تُنْفِقُ ٱلْمَرْأَةُ فِي ٱلْأَهْوَار جُزْءًا مِن مَدْخُولَاتِهَا عَلَى شِرَاء ٱلْأَثْوَاب وَٱلْعُطُور وَٱلْمَصُوغَات ٱلذَّهَبِيَّة، لٰكِنَّهَا لا تَعْرِفُ مَثَلًا قَصَّات ٱلشَّعْر وَلا حَتَّى مَعْنَى ٱلْكُوَافَيْر وَلا تَرْتَاد صَالُونَات ٱلْأَزْيَاء وَٱلْأَحْذِيَة وَٱلْحَقَائِب وَٱلتُّحَفِيَات وَٱلْإِكْسَسْوَارَات وَٱلْمَاكْيَاج.. وَتَخْجَل مِن ٱلتَّعَامُل مَعَ أَصْحَاب مَحَالّ ٱلْمَلابِس ٱلدَّاخِلِيَّة.. تَلْتَقِطُ عَلَى عُجَالَة حَاجَاتَهَا ٱلنِّسَائِيَّة مِن ٱلْعَطَّار وَأَغْلَبُهَا لا يَتَعَدَّى غرَامَات مِن «ٱلدِّيرَم»؛ وَهُوَ لِحَاء خَشَب يَقُوم مَقَام أَحْمَر ٱلشِّفَاه وَٱلْكُحْل وَٱلْحِنَّاء وَٱلْبَخُور وَخُيُوط «ٱلْحْفَافَة» لِإِزَالَةِ ٱلشَّعْر. وَأَجْمَعَ عَدَدٌ مِن نِسَاء ٱلْأَهْوَار فِي أَحَادِيثِهِنّ لـِ«اَلشَّرْق ٱلأَوْسَط» عَلَى أَنَّ كُلّ مَا جَنَاه سُكَّان ٱلْأَهْوَار خِلالَ ٱلسَّنَوَات ٱلْأَرْبَع ٱلْمَاضِيَة هُوَ عَوْدَةَ ٱلْمِيَاه إِلَى جُزْءٍ مِن ٱلْأَرَاضِي ٱلْمُجَفَّفَة.. فَلا كَهْرَبَاء وَلا مَحَطَّات تَصْفِيَةٍ لِلْمِيَاه أَوْ مَدَارِس وَلا مَرَاكِز صِحِّيَة أَوْ بَيْطَرِيَّة.. فَلَمْ تُشَيَّد ٱلْمُجَمَّعَات ٱلسَّكَنِيَّة بَدِيلًا عَن أَكْوَاخ ٱلْقَصَب وَٱلْبَرْدِيّ، وَلَمْ يَحْمِل ٱلْأَطْفَال حَقَائِب مَدْرَسِيَّة.
The woman in the marshes [lit. marsh lakes] spends part of her income on buying garments perfumes and gold jewellery but she doesnt know for example [anything about] hairstyles nor even the meaning of hairdresser. She doesnt frequent salons of clothes and shoes and handbags and objets dart and accessories and make-up. She feels embarrassed about dealing with owners of underwear shops. She picks up hurriedly her female needs from the perfumer [sells non perishable foods soap etc.] Most of [these needs] dont go beyond [a few] grammes of diiram. This is wood bast [= inner bark] which serves as [lit. stands in the place of] lipstick. And eyeliner [=kohl] and henna and incense [for perfume] and hfaafah threads for hair removal. A number of marsh women unanimously agreed in their talks to Asharq Alawsat on the fact that the only [benefit] that the residents of the marshes have reaped during the past four years is the return of water to a part of the dried land. No electricity nor water purification plants or schools and no health centres or veterinary [centres]. Residential complexes have not been built to replace the huts of sugar cane and papyrus and the children dont carry schoolbags.
مَنْ يَقْرَأُ وَيَسْمَعُ ٱلتَّبَارِيك وَٱلتَّهَالِيل ٱلْأُورُوبِّيَة وَٱلْأَمِيرِكِيَّة وَٱلْفَاتِيكَانِيَّة، لِفَوْز «حِزْب ٱلْعَدَالَةِ وَٱلتَّنْمِيَةِ» ٱلْإِسْلامِيّ، فِي تُرْكِيَا بِٱلْاِنْتِخَابَات ٱلتَّشْرِيعِيَّة، لا بُدّ أَنْ يَفْرُكَ عَيْنَيه وَيَنْفُضَ أُذُنَيه، ظَنًّا مِنه بِأَنَْهُ فَقَدَ ٱلْقُدْرَةَ عَلَى ٱلتَّمْيِيز. لٰكِنَّ ٱلْكَلام وَاضِحٌ وَصَرِيح، وَوُصُول ٱلْإِسْلامِيِّين إِلَى سُدَّةِ ٱلْحُكْم وَبِقُوَّةٍ فِي أَنْقَرَة، أَفْرَحَ ٱلْعَلْمَانِيِّين فِي ٱلْخَارِج، وَأَخَافَ عَلْمَانِيِّي اَلدَّاخِل، وَلِلْجَانِبَيْن أَسْبَابَهُمَا ٱلْوَجِيهَة. وَمِن ٱلْمُفَارَقَات اَلْغَرِيبَة لِأَيّ عَرَبِيّ، اِعْتَادَ عَلَى إِسْلامِيِّين عَلَى ٱلطَّرِيقَةِ «ٱللّادِنِيَّة» أَوْ «ٱلْقَاعِدِيَّة» وَ«ٱلْحَمَاسِيَّة» وَ«ٱلْخُمَيْنِيَّة»، اَلْمَنْبُوذَةَ دَوْلِيًّا هٰذِهِ ٱلْأَيَّام، أَنْ يَرَى ٱلْاِتِّحَاد ٱلْأُورُوبِّي يَهُشّ وَيَبُشّ، وَيَشْعُرُ بِٱلْاِرْتِيَاح لِأَنَّ ٱلْعَلْمَانِيِّين أُبْعِدُوا عَن ٱلسَّاحَة. فَهٰؤُلاء بِٱلنِّسْبَةِ لِلْاِتِّحَاد قَوْمِيُّون أَكْثَر مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي، وَيُمَثِّلُون ٱلْاِنْغِلاق، وَيُعَانُون عُسْر هَضْم مِن وَصَفَات ٱلْإِصْلاح.
He who reads and hears the European and American and Vatican congratulations and cheers for the victory of the Islamist Justice and Development Party in Turkey in the legislative elections must rub his eyes and shake out his ears thinking from [this news] that he has lost his senses [lit. the ability to distinguish]. But the talk is plain and clear. The arrival of the Islamists to the seat of power strongly in Ankara has gladdened the secularists abroad and frightened the home secularists. Both sides have their well-founded reasons. It is a strange departure for any Arab accustomed to Islamists in the Bin-Ladenist style or al-Qaedist and Hamasist and Khomeinist [style] [all] international pariahs these days to see the European Union looking bright and cheerful and feeling pleased because the secularists have been removed from the [political] arena. But these people according to the [European] Union are more nationalistic than is desirable. They represent a closing up and are suffering from indigestion from recipes of reform.
فِي سَهَرَات ٱلصَّيْف لا تُفَارِق بَاقَات ٱلْيَاسَمِين ٱلصَّغِيرَة اَلتُّونِسِيَّيْن رِجَالًا وَنِسَاء. فَهِيَ تُوضَعُ فِي ٱلْجَيْب أَوْ تُمْسَكُ فِي ٱلْيَد لِتَفُوحَ رَائِحَتُهَا ٱلشَّذِيَّة فِي ٱلْمَكَان. يَجْمَعُ حِرَفِيُّون حَاذِقُون زَهَرَات ٱلْيَاسَمِين وَٱلْفُلّ فِي بَاقَاتٍ يُطْلَقُ عَلَيْهَا فِي تُونِس اِسْم «مَشْمُوم»، اَلْمُشْتَق مِن اَلشَّمّ. وَإِذَا كَانَ لَدَى ٱلْمِصْرِيِّين عِيدٌ مُخَصَّصٌ لِشَمّ ٱلنَّسِيم، فَلَدَى «ٱلتَّوَانِسَة» فَصْلٌ بِكَامِلِهِ لِشَمّ ٱلْيَاسَمِين وَٱلْفُلّ اَللَّذَيْن يَسْحَرَانِ زُوَّار ٱلْبَلَد خُصُوصًا اَلسُّيَّاح. وَفِي حَفَلات ٱلزِّفَاف تُهْدَى لِلْعَرِيسَيْنِ بَاقَتَا يَاسَمِين أَوْ فُلّ كَبِيرَتَان يُمْسِكَانِهَا حَتَّى نِهَايَةِ ٱلسَّهْرَة. وَعِنْدَمَا يَقْصُدُ ٱلنَّاس ٱلْمَقَاهِي عَصْرًا فِي ٱلْمُدُن ٱلسَّاحِلِيَّة يُلاقِيهِم عَشَرَات ٱلْأَطْفَال حَامِلِين أَطْبَاقًا خَفِيفَة عَلَيْهَا بَاقَات يَاسَمِين وَفُلّ... لِلْبَيْع. وَنَظَرًا إِلَى شِدَّةِ ٱلطَّلَب صَيْفًا، تَحَوَّل إِنْتَاج ٱلْيَاسَمِين إِلَى صِنَاعَةٍ مُزْدَهِرَة، مَرْكَزُهَا ٱلرَّئِيسِيّ بَسَاتِين ضَاحِيَةِ رَادِس، جَنُوب ٱلْعَاصِمَة تُونِس.
In summer evenings small bouquets of jasmine are never far from [lit. dont leave] Tunisian people - [both] men and women. As [the bouquets] are placed in the pocket or held in the hand so that their fragrant smell diffuses in the place. Skilled tradesmen gather flowers of jasmine and Arabian jasmine into bunches which are given in Tunisia the name mashmuum [lit. scented] which is derived from [the word] shamm [=smell]. And if the Egyptians have the festival designated to smell [or take] the fresh air [Sham el-Nassem is an Egyptian national holiday] so the Tunisians have an entire season to smell jasmine and Arabian jasmine which enchant the countrys visitors especially the tourists. And at wedding parties two large bouquets of jasmine or Arabian jasmine are given as presents to the newlyweds who hold them until the end of the evening. And when the people head for the cafés in the afternoon in the coastal towns dozens [lit. tens] of children come to meet them carrying light plates on which are bunches jasmine and Arabian jasmine ... for sale. In view of the strength of demand in summer the production of jasmine has been transformed into a flourishing industry whose main centre is the gardens of the suburb of Radis south of the capital Tunis.
دَخَلَ ٱلتَّاجِر وَهَنَّأَ زَوْجَتَهُ بِٱلسَّلامَة وَقَالَ لَهَا: أَيْنَ وَدِيعَةُ ٱلله؟ فَقَدَّمَت لَهُ مَوْلُودًا بَدِيع ٱلْجَمَال صُنْع ٱلْمُدَبِّر ٱلْمَوْجُود وَهُوَ ٱبْن سَبْعَةِ أَيَّام وَلٰكِنَّ اَلَّذِي يَنْظُرَهُ يَقُولُ عَلَيْه أَنَّهُ ٱبْن عَام، فَنَظَرَ ٱلتَّاجِر فِي وَجْهِه فَرَآهُ بَدْرًا مُشْرِقًا وَلَهُ شَامَاتٌ عَلَى ٱلْخَدَّيْن، فَقَالَ لَهَا: مَا سَمَّيتِه؟ فَقَالَت لَهُ: لَوْ كَانَ بِنْتًا كُنتُ سَمَّيتُهَا وَهٰذَا وَلَد فَلا يُسَمِّيه إِلَّا أَنْت، وَكَانَ أَهْل ذٰلِك ٱلزَّمَن يُسَمُّونَ أَوْلادَهُم بِٱلْفَال، فَبَيْنَمَا هُم يَتَشَاوَرُون فِي ٱلْاِسْم وَإِذَا بِوَاحِدٍ يَقُول: يَا سَيِّدِي عَلاء ٱلدِّين، فَقَالَ لَهَا: نُسَمِّيه عَلاء ٱلدِّين أَبِي ٱلشَّامَات. وَوُكِّلَ بِهِ ٱلْمَرَاضِع وَٱلدَّايَات فَشَرِبَ ٱللَّبَن عَامَيْن وَفَطَمُوه فَكَبُر وَٱنْتَشَى وَعَلَى ٱلْأَرْض مَشَى.
The merchant entered and congratulated his wife on her well-being and said to her: Where is Gods deposit? So she presented to him a newborn baby of unprecedented beauty the work of [God] the ever present Orderer. He was a boy of seven days but whoever saw him would say that he was a year old. The merchant looked at his face and saw it [was like] a shining full moon and that he had moles on both cheeks. Then he said to her: What did you name him? So she said to him: If it were a girl I would have named her but this is a boy so none shall name him but you. The people of that time used to name their children by good omens and while they were consulting on the name all of a sudden someone said O master `Alaa;u ~D-Diin so he said to her: Well call him `Alaa;u ~D-Diin Abu ~sh-Shaamaat [=possessor of moles]. The wet nurses and midwives were put in charge of him and he drank milk for two years then they weaned him and he grew and developed and on the ground he walked.
يَعْتَقِدُ عَبْد ٱلرَّحْمٰن أَنَّ ثَقْب ٱلْأُوزُون فُوَّهَةً بُرْكَانِيَّة تَقَعُ فِي بَلَدٍ آسِيَوِيّ «لا أَتَذَكَّرُ اِسْمَهُ» عَلَى مَا يَقُول. وَعِنْدَمَا تُعْلِمُهُ أَنَّ ثَقْب ٱلْأُوزُون عَلَى ٱلْغِلاف ٱلْجَوِّيّ وَلَيْسَ عَلَى سَطْح ٱلْأَرْض يَضْحَك عَبْد ٱلرَّحْمٰن ظَنًّا أَنَّكَ تَسْخَرُ مِنه. لٰكِنَّ ضَحِكَهُ سُرْعَانَ مَا يَنْقَلِبُ ٱسْتِغْرَابًا يَقْبِضُ عَلَى مَلامِح وَجْهِه مَا إِنْ يَقْرَأُ خَبَرًا فِي ٱلْجَرِيدَة حَوْلَ دَعْوَةِ ٱلسُّلُطَات ٱلْإِيْطَالِيَّة اَلْمُوَظَّفِين إِلَى عَدَم اِسْتِخْدَام رَبْطَةِ ٱلْعُنُق حَتَّى لا يُؤَدِّي ٱلتَّشْغِيل ٱلْمُفْرِط لِأَجْهِزَةِ ٱلتَّكْيِيف إِلَى تَلْوِيث ٱلْبِيئَة. «مُجَرَّد بَلاتِع (تُرَّهَات) مِن بَلاتِع ٱلْغَرْبِيِّين» يُعَلِّقُ عَبْد ٱلرَّحْمٰن اَلَّذِي يَعْتَزِمُ ٱلْاِلْتِحَاق بِٱلْجَامِعَة اَلْعَام ٱلْمُقْبِل لِيَتَخَصَّص فِي ٱلدِّرَاسَات ٱلْإِسْلامِيَّة. وَٱلْوَاقِع أَنَّ سُلُوك عَدَدٍ كَبِير مِن ٱلشَّبَاب ٱلْيَمَنِيّ لا يَفْتَقِرُ إِلَى ٱلْاِهْتِمَام بِٱلْبِيئَةِ فَحَسْب بَل تَعُوزُهُ مَعْلُومَاتٍ أَسَاسِيَّة فِي هٰذَا ٱلْمَجَال.
Abdu al-Rahman believes that the ozone hole is a volcanic crater which lies in an Asiatic country I dont remember its name as he says. And when you inform him that the ozone hole is on the atmosphere [lit. air cover] and not on the surface of the earth Abdu al-Rahman laughs thinking that you are making fun of him. But his laughter quickly turns to bewilderment which grips the features of his face as soon as he reads a news item in the newspaper about the Italian authorities calling upon employees to not use a necktie so that the excessive use of air conditioning appliances does not lead to the pollution of the environment. Mere trivialities [yem. dialect] (trivialities [fusha]) from among the trivialities of Westerners comments Abdu al-Rahman who is intent on entering university next year to specialize in Islamic studies. The fact is that the behaviour of a large number of young Yemenis do not only lack concern for the environment but they [also] lack fundamental information in this field.
اَلتَّشَاؤُم هُوَ مَادَّةٌ مِن مُقَرَّرَات مَدْرَسَةِ ٱلشَّيْطَان، وَقَد حَذَّرَنَا ٱلله تَعَالَى مِن ذٰلِكَ فَقَال بِسْم ٱلله ٱلرَّحْمٰن ٱلرَّحِيم «اَلشَّيْطَانُ يَعِدُكُمُ ٱلْفَقْرَ وَيَأْمُرُكُم بِٱلْفَحْشَاءِ وَٱللهُ يَعِدُكُم مَّغْفِرَةً مِّنهُ وَفَضْلًا وَٱللهُ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ» صَدَقَ ٱلله ٱلْعَظِيم فَإِذَا أَوْحَت لَكَ نَفْسُكَ ٱلْأَمَّارَةُ بِٱلسُّوء بِأَنَّكَ سَوْفَ تَفْشَل وَتُخْفِق وَتَفْتَقِرُ غَدًا، وَبِأَنَّكَ فِي ٱلْمُسْتَقْبَل سَوْفَ تُصَاب بِمُصِيبَةٍ وَتَقَع فِي كَارِثَةٍ فَهٰذَا كُلُّهُ كَذِبٌ وَأَرَاجِيف، وَمُشْكِلَتُنَا أَنَّنَا إِذَا خَلَونَا إِلَى أَنْفُسِنَا اِنْتَقَلَت بِنَا ٱلنَّفْس إِلَى ٱلْخَانَةِ ٱلسَّوْدَاوِيَّة فَحَدَّثَتْنَا عَن ٱلْآلام وَٱلْمَصَائِب، وَٱلْأَوْجَاع وَٱلنَّكَبَات، وَلٰكِن لِلْأَسَف لا تَنْقُلُنَا إِلَى خَانَةِ ٱلتَّفَاؤُل، وَلا تُخْبِرُنَا بِمَا عِنْدَنَا مِن ٱلنِّعَم وَمَا حَقَّقنَاهُ مِن ٱلنَّجَاح وَمَا أَحْرَزنَاهُ مِن ٱلتَّفَوُّق وَٱلْاِنْتِصَار، فَتَجِد ٱلْكَثِير مِنَّا يُفَكِّرُ فِي ٱلْمَفْقُود وَلا يَشْكُرُ ٱلله عَلَى ٱلْمَوْجُود.
Pessimism is a subject from the curriculum of the school of Satan. God the Sublime warned us of that as he said: In the name of God The Merciful The Compassionate. Satan promises you poverty and orders you [to commit] indecency but God promises you forgiveness from him and bounty. God is bounteous [lit. wide] all-knowing [Quran 2:268]. God Almighty has spoken the truth. And if the devil on your shoulder [lit. your self that constantly urges evil] gives you the idea that you will fail and be unsuccessful and become poor tomorrow and that in the future you will be stricken with misfortune and meet with [lit. fall in] disaster then this is all falsehood and untruths. Our problem is that if we withdraw into ourselves the self is transported with us to a melancholic compartment and [the self] tells us about pains and misfortunes and ailments and disasters. But unfortunately [the self] does not transport us to a compartment of optimism nor tell us of what we have in terms of blessings and of what we have realised in terms of success and what we have achieved in terms of excellent work and victory. So you find many of us thinking about things that are lost and not thanking God for the things that are present.
تَسْتَيْقِظُ مَايَا بَاكِرًا عِنْدَمَا تُقَرِّرُ ٱلذَّهَاب إِلَى ٱلشَّاطِئ. تُصَفِّفُ شَعْرَهَا ٱلْأَسْوَد ٱلطَّوِيل، تَتَبَرَّج بِمَوَادّ تَجْمِيلٍ مُضَادَّةٍ لِلْمَاء، تَضَعُ عِطْرًا نَفَّاذًا. تَتَأَكَّد مِن أَنَّ «ٱلْآيْبُود» وَنَظَّارَاتِهَا ٱلشَّمْسِيَّة، وَكْرِيم ٱلْحِمَايَة، وَهَاتِفَهَا ٱلْخَلِيَوِيّ، وَمِنْشَفَتَهَا ٱلْبَاهِظَةَ ٱلثَّمَن كُلَّهَا مَوْجُودَةً فِي ٱلْحَقِيبَة. تَرْتَدِي «ٱلْمَايُوه» وَبِطَبِيعَةِ ٱلْحَال هُوَ مِن أَشْهَر ٱلْمَارْكَات ٱلْعَالَمِيَّة، فَوْقَهُ تَلُفّ عَلَى جَسَدِهَا قِطْعَةَ قُمَاش بَيْضَاء كَبِيرَة وَشَفَّافَة. تَعْتَلِي حِذَاء اِرْتِفَاع كَعْبِهِ أَكْثَر مِن عَشَرَةِ سَنْتِيمِتْرَات وَتَنْطَلِق. تَقْصِدُ أَهَمّ مَسَابِح ٱلْعَاصِمَة. تَرْكُن سَيَّارَتَهَا وَتَدْخُل. تَتَمَدَّد مُعَرِّضَة جَسَدَهَا لِحَرَارَةِ ٱلشَّمْس. اَلسِّبَاحَة مَمْنُوعَة بِٱلنِّسْبَةِ لِمَايَا، فَقَد قَضَت سَاعَات ٱلصَّبَاح ٱلْأُولَى فِي تَرْتِيب شَعْرِهَا، وَيَجِبُ عَدَم إِتْلاف ٱلتَّسْرِيحَة حِفَاظًا عَلَى مَاء وَجْهِهَا بَيْنَ مَثِيلَاتِهَا. تَخْفِي عَيْنَيْهَا تَحْتَ نَظَّارَاتِهَا ٱلسَّوْدَاء وَتَضَع قَدَمَيْهَا فِي ٱلْمَاء. اَلسِّبَاحَةُ لِمَايَا وَلِشَبِيهَاتِهَا تَعْنِي فَقَط تَبْلِيل ٱلْقَدَمَيْن فِي ٱلْمَاء، وَمُرَاقَبَةُ ٱلنَّاس وَتَوْزِيع ٱلْاِبْتِسَامَات عَلَى مَنْ يَطْلُبُهَا.
Maya wakes up early when she decides on going to the beach. She arranges her long black hair and makes herself pretty with cosmetics [lit. materials of beautification] [which are] anti-water [i.e. water resistant] and puts on strong [lit. penetrating] perfume. She makes sure that the iPod and her sunglasses and [sun] protection cream and her cellular phone and her expensive towel are all present in the handbag. She wears a swimming costume and of course it is of the most well known of global brands on top of which she wraps over her body a piece of material [which is] white large and diaphanous/transparent. She rises up on shoes the height of whose heel is more than ten centimetres and she sets off. She heads for the best [lit. more important] of the capitals [i.e. Beiruts] swimming pools. She parks her car and enters. She stretches out exposing her body to the heat of the sun. Swimming is forbidden for Maya as she had spent the early morning hours in arranging her hair and she mustnt spoil the hairdo to preserve her honour [lit. the water of her face] among her equals. She hides her eyes under her dark glasses and she puts her feet in the water. Swimming to Maya and to her look-alikes means just wetting the feet in the water and observing people and distributing smiles to those who ask for them.
اَلْقَرْيَة اَلَّتِي بُنِيَت عَلَى قِمَّةِ جَبَل تَضُمُّ وَاحِدٍ وَثَلاثُون مَنْزِلًا، شُيِّدَت مِن ٱلْحَجَر ٱلصَّخْرِيّ وَهِيَ مَسْقُوفَةٌ بِأَشْجَار ٱلْعَرْعَر، وَٱلَّتِي تُنْقَل إِلَى ٱلْقَرْيَةِ مِن ٱلْغَابَات ٱلْمُجَاوِرَة، وَزُيِّنَت شُرُفَات ٱلْمَنَازِل بِأَحْجَار ٱلْمَرْو، وَتَتَعَدَّد أَدْوَارُهَا مِن دَوْرَيْن إِلَى سَبْعَةِ أَدْوَار. وَتُضُمُّ ٱلْمَبَانِي ٱلسَّكَنِيَّة حَوْش لِلْمَاشِيَة فِي ٱلدَّوْر ٱلْأَرْضِيّ لَهُ سُورٌ صَغِير ٱلْاِرْتِفَاع تُوثَقُ حَوْلَه حَيَوَانَات ٱلرُّكُوب، وَيُخَصَّص ٱلدَّوْر ٱلثَّانِي لِتَخْزِين ٱلْأَمْتِعَةِ وَٱلْأَدَوَات وَٱلْمَوَادّ ٱلْغِذَائِيَّة، وَتُخْزَن ٱلْمَحَاصِيل ٱلزِّرَاعِيَّةِ وَٱلْحُبُوب فِي مَكَانٍ يُسَمَّى «ٱلسُّفْل». وَتُخَصِّص ٱلْأُسَر اَلدَّوْر ٱلثَّالِث لِلسَّكَن وَيُطْلَقُ عَلَيْه اِسْم «عُلِّيَّة»، وَيَشْمَل صَالَةً كَبِيرَة وَمَطْبَخًا. أَمَّا ٱلْأَسْطُح فَلَهَا عِدَّة اِسْتِخْدَامَات مِنهَا اِسْتِخْدَامُهَا كَجَلْسَةٍ يَلْتَقِي فِيهَا أَفْرَادِ ٱلْعَائِلَة وَٱلْجِيرَان. وَتُخَصِّص بَعْض ٱلْأُسَر غُرْفَةً عَلَى ٱلسَّطْح لِنَوْم ٱلنِّسَاء وَٱلْأَطْفَال فِي فَصْل ٱلصَّيْف، بَيْنَمَا يَنَامُ ٱلرِّجَال عَلَى ٱلسُّطُوح. وَتَتَنَاثَر أَحْوَاض ٱلرَّيَاحِين وَٱلْوُرُود وَٱلنَّبَاتَات ٱلصَّغِيرَة عَلَى ٱلسُّطُوح لِتَلْطِيف ٱلْجَوّ وَتَعْطِيرِه.
The village [of Dhi Ain] which is built on the summit of a mountain comprises thirty one houses which are built of rock stone and are roofed with juniper trees which are transported to the village from the neighbouring woods. The balconies of the houses are decorated with stones of quartz. Their floors number from two floors to seven floors. The residential buildings comprise a courtyard for livestock on the ground floor which has a fence of small height around which are tied riding animals. The second floor is allocated for the storage of household items and tools and foodstuffs. Agricultural crops and grains are stored in a place called the sufl [lit. bottom] The families allocate the third floor for living and it is given the name the `ulliyya [=upper room] and comprises a large room and a kitchen. As for the [flat] roofs these have several uses including their use as a sitting [place] in which family members and neighbours meet. Some families allocate a room on the roof for the sleeping of the women and the children in the season of summer while the men sleep [out] on the roofs. Containers of aromatic plants and flowers [lit. roses] and small plants are scattered around on the roofs to soften [lit. make gentle] the air and to perfume it.
يُسْرِعُ مُصْطَفَى وَأَبْنَاؤُهُ إِلَى مَفَاتِيح ٱلْكَهْرَبَاء لِإِشْعَال كُلّ أَضْوَاء ٱلشَّقَّة عِنْدَمَا يَعُود اَلتَّيَّار، فِي حِين يَقْفِز أَبْنَاء حَامِدٍ فِي ٱلْهَوَاء وَهُم يُصَفِّقُونَ وَيُغَنُّونَ فَرَحًا بِعَوْدَةِ ٱلنُّور إِلَى مَنْزِلِهِم بَعْدَ ٱنْقِطَاعٍ دَامَ سَاعَاتٍ طَوِيلَة. هٰذَا ٱلتَّعْبِير عَن ٱلْفَرَح لَيْسَ حَال أَبْنَاء مُصْطَفَى وَحَامِدٍ فَقَط، بَل حَال نَحْوَ مِلْيُون وَنِصْف مِلْيُون فِلَسْطِينِيّ فِي قِطَاع غَزَّة صَارُوا يَنْتَظِرُونَ بِفَارِغ ٱلصَّبْر اَلسَّاعَات ٱلْقَلِيلَةَ اَلَّتِي يَعُودُ خِلالَهَا اَلتَّيَّار ٱلْكَهْرَبَائِيّ إِلَى مَنَازِلِهِم. وَفَاقَمَ ٱنْقِطَاع ٱلتَّيَّار ٱلْكَهْرَبَائِيّ شِبْه ٱلتَّامّ مُنْذُ أَرْبَعَةِ أَيَّامٍ مِن مُعَانَاة ٱلْفِلَسْطِينِيِّين فِي ٱلْقِطَاع اَلْمُتَفَاقِمَةِ أَصْلًا بِسَبَب ٱلْإِغْلاق وَٱلْحِصَار وَٱلْفَقْر وَٱلْبَطَالَةِ اَلَّتِي وَصَلَت مُعَدَّلَاتُهَا إِلَى نَحْوِ سَبْعُون فِي ٱلْمِئَة، فَضْلًا عَن إِضْرَاب ٱلْقِطَاع ٱلصِّحِّي وَإِضْرَاب عُمَّال ٱلنَّظَافَة فِي ٱلْبَلَدِيَّات ٱلْخَمْس فِي ٱلْقِطَاع، خُصُوصًا مَدِينَةِ غَزَّة، مَا رَاكَمَ أَكْوَامًا ضَخْمَة مِن ٱلْقُمَامَةِ فِي ٱلشَّوَارِع.
Mustafa and his children rush to the electricity switches to turn on all the lights of the flat when the current returns while the children of Hamid jump in the air as they clap and sing with joy on the return of light to their house after a [power] cut lasting many [lit. long] hours. This expression of joy is not just the case for the children of Mustafa and Hamid but also the case for around a million and a half Palestinians in the Gaza Strip who have got to the point where they wait impatiently for the few hours during which the electrical current returns to their houses. The cutting off of the electrical current [which has been] more or less total for four days has exacerbated the suffering of the Palestinians in the Strip which [suffering] has already reached alarming proportions due to the closing [of borders] and the embargo and the poverty and the unemployment the rates of which have reached around seventy percent quite aside from [=not to mention] the strike of the health sector and the strike of the refuse collectors [lit. cleaning workers] in the five municipalities in the Strip especially Gaza City something which has heaped up huge piles of rubbish in the streets.
دَافَعَ سَيْف ٱلإِسْلام، نَجْل ٱلزَّعِيم ٱللِّيبِيّ مُعَمَّر ٱلْقَذَّافِيّ، بِٱسْتِمَاتَةٍ أَمْس عَن نِظَام حُكْم وَالِدِهِ اَلَّذِي يَتَوَلَّى ٱلسُّلْطَة مُنْذُ ثَمَانٍ وَثَلاثُون عَامًا، وَٱعْتَبَرَ أَنَّ «ٱلْقَذَّافِيّ، وَٱلشَّرِيعَةَ ٱلْإِسْلامِيَّة وَأَمْن لِيبِيَا وَوَحْدَةَ أَرَاضِيهَا»، يُمَثِّلُونَ أَرْبَع «خُطُوطٍ حَمْرَاء» لا يَجُوز مُنَاقَشَتُهَا أَوْ ٱلْمِسَاس بِهَا. وَطَالَبَ ٱلْمُشَرِّعِين فِي بِلادِهِ رَسْم دُسْتُورٍ حَدِيث، لا يَتَجَاوَز تِلْكَ ٱلْخُطُوط اَلْحَمْرَاء اَلَّتِي ذَكَرَهَا. وَقَسَّمَ سَيْف ٱلإِسْلام فِي خِطَابٍ أَلْقَاهُ مَسَاء أَوَّل مِن أَمْس فِي ٱلْمُلْتَقَى ٱلثَّانِي لِلشَّبَاب ٱللِّيبِيّ فِي بَنْغَازِيّ، اَلْمِيَاه فِي بِلادِهِ إِلَى نَوْعَيْن، قَائِلًا «مِيَاه ٱلنَّهْر نَشْرَبُهَا نَحْنُ.. وَمِيَاه ٱلْبَحْر ٱلْمُتَوَسِّط لِلْأَعْدَاء». وَأَضَاف «مَنْ لا يُعْجِبُهُ لِيبِيَا وَلا مُعَمَّر ٱلْقَذَّافِيّ فَلْيَشْرَب مِن مِيَاه ٱلْبَحْر». وَقَال إِنَّ ٱلنِّظَام ٱلسِّيَاسِيّ اَلْحَالِي لِلْجَمَاهِيرِيَّة اَلَّذِي يَقُومُ عَلَى ٱلْكِتَاب ٱلْأَخْضَر لِلْقَذَّافِيّ جَيِّدٌ عَلَى ٱلْوَرَق، وَلٰكِنَّ لَهُ بَعْض ٱلْعُيُوب فِي ٱلتَّطْبِيق ٱلْعَمَلِيّ.
Saif al-Islam the son of the Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi yesterday defended with desperate effort the system of governance of his father who took power thirty eight years ago deeming that Gaddafi and the Islamic Law and the security of Libya and its territorial integrity represent four red lines which are not allowed to be discussed or encroached upon. He called on legislators in his country to draw up a modern constitution which does not cross those red lines which he mentioned. And Saif al-Islam in a speech he delivered in the evening of the day before yesterday in the Second Libyan Youth Gathering in Benghazi divided the water in his country into two types saying: the water of the river is ours to drink.. and the water of the Mediterranean Sea is for the enemies. And he added: whoever doesnt like Libya or Muammar al-Gaddafi can go and drink seawater [i.e. can go and get lost]. And he said that the present political system of the Jamahiriya [=state for the masses] which is based on the Green Book of Gaddafi is good on paper but it has some flaws in practical application.
تَلْتَفِتُ صَبَاح نَحْوَ ٱلْوَافِدِين ٱلْجُدُد، وَتَقِفُ بِتَثَاقُلٍ قَائِلَة: «لا يُوجَدُ لَدَيّ مَا أَقُولُه. اِذْهَبُوا وَٱسْأَلُوا قُوَى ٱلْأَمْن. لَنْ يُسَلِّمُونَا ٱلْجُثَّة، سَيَقُومُونَ هُم بِدَفْنِه»، وَعَلَى رَغْم نَبْرَتِهَا ٱلْعَدَائِيَّة، تُسَنِّدُ نَفْسَهَا إِلَى ٱلْحَائِط، بِٱنْتِظَار أَيّ اِسْتِفْسَار. رَدّ فِعْل صَبَاح اَلسَّرِيع وَٱلْمُبَاشِر، يُنَبِّهُ ٱلسَّيِّدَات اَلْجَالِسَات إِلَى أَنَّ ٱلْوَافِدِين إِعْلامِيُّون، فَيَنْهَلنَ عَلَيْهِم بِعِبَارَاتٍ «لَيْسَ لَدَينَا مَا نَقُولُه»، «اِذْهَبُوا فِي طَرِيقِكُمْ وَدَعُونَا بِحَالِنَا»، «لا تَعْلِيق»... وَٱخْتِرَاق ٱلْعِبَارَات ٱلْمُنْهَالَة بِأَيّ سُؤَال، يَزِيدُ ٱلْجَوّ تَأَزُّمًا. ثُمَّ تَتَدَاخَلُ ٱلْعِبَارَات «لا تَتَكَلَّمُوا مَعَهُم»، «إِنَّهُ ٱبْنُنَا قُتِل. وَٱلشُّهَدَاء فِي ٱلْجَيْش أَوْلادُنَا، اُتْرُكُونَا وَشَأْنَنَا»، «أَنْتُم وَرَاءَ عَدَم تَسْلِيمِنَا ٱلْجُثَّة»... وَٱلْجَمِيع يَتَكَلَّمُ فِي وَقْتٍ وَاحِد. وَإِذَا أَبْدَت صَبَاح أَيّ اِسْتِعْدَادٍ لِلْكَلام أَوْ لِلْإِجَابَة عَن أَيّ سُؤَال، يَتَوَلَّينَ ٱلْإِجَابَة.
Sabah [the sister of Abu Hureira] turns towards the new arrivals. She stands sullenly saying: I have nothing to say. Go and ask the security forces. They arent going to hand over the body to us. Theyre the ones wholl bury him. Despite her hostile tone she leans herself against the wall awaiting any inquiry. Sabahs reaction [which is] fast and direct alerts the seated ladies to the fact that the arrivals are journalists [lit. media people] so [the women] rain down phrases on [the journalists]: We have nothing to say Go on your way and let us be No comment... Breaking through the phrases raining down with any question [asked by the journalists] increases the tension [lit. criticalness] in the air. Then the phrases intertwine: Dont speak with them Its our son who was killed the martyrs in the [Lebanese] army are our children leave us alone. You [journalists] are behind the fact that the body is not being handed over to us... Everyone speaks at the same time. And if Sabah shows any readiness to talk or to respond to any question [the other women] assume responsibility for answering.
فِي ٱلْيَوْم ٱلْأَوَّل بَعْدَ ٱلْمِئَة لِحَرْب تَنْظِيم «فَتْح ٱلإِسْلام» اَلْأُصُولِيّ ضِدَّ ٱلْجَيْش ٱللُّبْنَانِيّ، عَاوَدَت ٱلْمِرْوَحِيَات مِن طِرَاز «غَازِيل» بَعْدَ ظُهْر أَمْس اِسْتِهْدَاف مَخَابِئ ٱلْمُسَلَّحِين اَلْأُصُولِيِّين اَلْحَصِينَةِ فِي حَيّ اَلْمُهَجَّرِين فِي مُخَيَّم نَهْر اَلْبَارِد، لِحَمْل مَنْ تَبَقَّى مِنهُم عَلَى ٱسْتِجَابَةِ ٱلدَّعَوَات لِلْاِسْتِسْلام بَعْدَمَا تَمَّ إِخْرَاج نِسَائِهِم وَأَطْفَالِهِم إِلَى أَمَاكِن آمِنَة وَتَسْهِيل سَفَر عَدَدٍ مِنهُم إِلَى ٱلْبُلْدَان اَلَّتِي جَاؤُوا مِنهَا. وَكَانَت ٱلْمُنَاوَشَات ٱلْعَسْكَرِيَّة تَوَاصَلَت مُنْذُ صَبَاح أَمْس بِٱلْأَسْلِحَةِ ٱلرَّشَّاشَةِ ٱلْخَفِيفَة وَٱلْمُتَوَسِّطَة وَٱلْقَذَائِف ٱلصَّارُوخِيَّة. وَتَخَلَّلَهَا قَصْفٌ بِمِدْفَعِيَّةِ ٱلدَّبَّابَات لِمَخَابِئ ٱلْمُسَلَّحِين. وَأَشَارَت تَقَارِير مَيْدَانِيَّة إِلَى أَنَّ اِثْنَيْن مِن قَنَّاصَةِ «فَتْح ٱلإِسْلام» قُتِلَا أَمْس. فِي غُضُون ذٰلِك، اِسْتَمَرَّت ٱلْوِسَاطَةُ اَلَّتِي تَقُومُ بِهَا «رَابِطَةُ عُلَمَاء فِلَسْطِين» لِإِجْلاء ٱلْجَرْحَى مِن دَاخِل ٱلْمُخَيَّم وَلاسِيَّمَا اَلْمُصَابِين بِجُرُوح خَطِيرَة وَعَدَدُهُم تِسْعَة، وَفْقَ آخِر ٱلْمَعْلُومَات، وَذٰلِكَ كَمَرْحَلَةٍ أُولَى بَعْدَ إِخْرَاج عَائِلات ٱلْمُسَلَّحِين اَلْأُسْبُوع ٱلْمَاضِي.
On the first day after [day] one hundred of the war of the fundamentalist Fatah al-Islam organisation against the Lebanese army helicopters of the model Gazelle yesterday afternoon resumed the targeting of the fortified hideouts of the fundamentalist militants in the district of al-Muhajjareen in the Nahr al-Bared camp to induce those of whom remain to answer the calls for surrender after their women and their children had been moved out to safe places and the facilitating of the travel of a number of them to the countries which they came from. Military skirmishes were continuing since yesterday morning with arms of light and medium machine guns and missiles. A bombardment with tank artillery of the militants hideouts took place during [the skirmishes]. Field reports indicated that two of the snipers of Fatah al-Islam were killed yesterday. Meanwhile the mediation which the Palestinian [religious] Scholars League is carrying out continued for the evacuation of the wounded from inside the camp in particular the people afflicted with serious wounds the number of whom is nine according to the latest information. And that is as a first stage after the moving out of the families of the militants last week.
يُدَغْدِغُ مُخَيِّلَتَهَا مَشْهَدٌ مَرَّ أَمَامَهَا عَلَى شَاشَةِ ٱلتِّلِفِزْيُون لِفَتَاةٍ تَلْعَبُ عَلَى شَاطِئ ٱلْبَحْر، تَرْكُضُ عَلَى ٱلرِّمَال وَتُبَلِّلُ ٱلْأَمْوَاج قَدَمَيْهَا ٱلْعَارِيَتَين. وَفَاء، خَمْسَةَ عَشَر عَامًا لَمْ تَعْرِف مِن ٱلْبَحْر إِلَّا مَشْهَدَهُ مِن بَعِيد، أَوْ فِي أَحْسَن ٱلْأَحْوَال مِن عَلَى حِجَارَةِ ٱلْكُوْرْنِيش فِي اَلْقَطِيف. «لَمْ أَتَجَرَّأ يَوْمًا عَلَى ٱلْإِقْتِرَاب مِنهُ أَكْثَر» تَقُولُ بِخَجَل، كَمَا أَنَّ تَحْذِيرَات أَهْلِهَا لَهَا مِن خَطَر ٱلنُّزُول إِلَى ٱلْمَاء كَانَت تُصَاحِبُهَا كَيْفَمَا وَجَّهَت أَنْظَارَهَا صَوْبَ ٱلْمِيَاه ٱلزَّرْقَاء. «كَانَ ٱلْوَالِد يَتَحَجَّج بِٱللّافِتَات ٱلْمَرْفُوعَةِ عَلَى ٱلرَّصِيف وَٱلَّتِي تُشَدِّدُ عَلَى مَنْع ٱلسِّبَاحَة»، لٰكِنَّ جُلّ مَا كَانَت تَرْغَبُ فِيه أَنْ تُلامِسَ ٱلْبَحْر. إِلَى أَنْ قَرَّرَت رَمْي كُلّ مَا تَحْمِلُهُ مِن هَوَاجِسٍ فِي لَحْظَةٍ وَاحِدَة «كُنتُ مَع صَدِيقَاتِي نَمْشِي عَلَى ٱلْكُوْرْنِيش عِنْدَمَا قَرَّرتُ ٱلنُّزُول إِلَى ٱلْمِيَاه»، وَفِعْلًا خَلَعَت حِذَاءَهَا وَتَرَكَت لِقَدَمَيْهَا ٱلْعِنَان فِي مُلامَسَةِ ٱلْمِيَاه ٱلدَّافِئَة.
A scene which passed in front of her on the television screen tickled her imagination [the scene was] of a girl playing on the seashore running on the sands as the waves wet her bare feet. Wafa fifteen years old knew nothing of the sea other than its view from afar or at best from on the stones of the Corniche [=coast road] in al-Qatif [a region on the east coast of Saudi Arabia]. I never once dared to get any closer to [the sea] she says bashfully just as the warnings of her family to her of the danger of going down into the water would accompany her whenever [lit. however] she directed her gazes towards the blue water. Father would advance in support of his argument the signs put up on the pavement which emphasized the prohibition of swimming but all [lit. the most] that she used to wish for was to touch the sea until she decided to throw aside all that she carried in terms of apprehensions in one moment. I was with my [female] friends as we walked on the Corniche when I decided to go down into the water and indeed she took off her shoes and gave free rein to her feet [lit. left the rein of her feet] in touching the warm water.
يَقُولُ أَحَد قَادَةِ أَرْكَان ٱلْجَيْش ٱللُّبْنَانِيّ إِنَّهُ لَوْ كَانَ ٱلْجَيْش يَمْلِكُ طَائِرَاتٍ حَرْبِيَّةً لَحُسِمَ مَعْرَكَةُ نَهْر اَلْبَارِد مُنْذُ ٱلشَّهْر ٱلْأَوَّل. لٰكِنَّ قِيَادَةَ ٱلْجَيْش لَمْ تَنْتَظِر أَنْ يَسْتَجِيبَ ٱلْمُجْتَمَع ٱلدَّوْلِيّ طَلَب تَعْزِيز قُوَّاتِهَا ٱلْجَوِّيَّة، وَإِنَّمَا لَجَأَت إِلَى قُدْرَاتِهَا ٱلذَّاتِيَّة لِتُطَوِّرَ سِلاحًا لَمْ يَسْبِقهَا إِلَيْهِ أَحَد مِن جُيُوش ٱلْعَالَم عَبْرَ ٱلتَّارِيخ وَهُوَ هِلِيكُوبْتَر قَاذِفَة لِلْقَنَابِل. فَقَد قَامَت مَجْمُوعَة مِن تَقْنِيِّي سِلاح ٱلْجَوّ، وَبِٱلتَّعَاوُن مَعَ سِلاح ٱلْهَنْدَسَة، بِٱسْتِخْدَام مَا تَمْلِكُهُ مِن ذَخَائِر وَعَتَاد، كَانَت تُعْتَبَر خَارِج ٱلْخِدْمَة لِقِدَمِهَا، وَتَحْوِيلِهَا أَدَوَاتٍ هُجُومِيَّة أَسْهَمَت بِشَكْلٍ كَبِير فِي زِيَادَةِ حَجْم ٱلنِّيرَان وَبِتَسْرِيع إِيْقَاع ٱلْهُجُوم عَلَى مُقَاتِلِي «فَتْح ٱلإِسْلام» مِن أَجْلِ حَسْم ٱلْمَعْرَكَة. وَبِحَسَبِ مَصَادِر عَسْكَرِيَّةٍ مُطَّلِعَة، لَنْ يَتَوَقَّف ٱلْأَمْر عِنْدَ هٰذَا ٱلْحَدّ، إِذ تَعْتَزِم قِيَادَةُ ٱلْجَيْش إِنْتَاج قَنَابِلِهَا وَإِعَادَةَ إِحْيَاء طَائِرَاتِهَا ٱلْحَرْبِيَّة اَلْقَدِيمَة مُتَّكِلَة عَلَى بَرَاعَةِ تَقْنِيِّيهَا.
One of the Chiefs of the Lebanese General Staff [mil.] has said that if the army had had warplanes the battle of Nahr al-Bared would have been settled in [lit. from] the first month. But the army command did not wait for the international community to grant the request to strengthen/support its air forces rather it resorted to its own capabilities to develop a weapon no-one had got to before it [i.e. thought of before it] from among the armies of the world throughout history and that is the helicopter bomber. As a group of Air Force technicians in cooperation with the Engineering Corps set about using what it has in terms of ammunition and [war] material which had been considered out of service due to its oldness and converting it into offensive devices which played a large part in increasing the volume of fire and accelerating the rate [lit. rhythm or bringing down] of attack on the fighters of Fatah al-Islam in order to settle the battle. And according to informed military sources the matter will not stop at this as the army command has decided on producing its bombs and reviving its old warplanes relying on the skill of its technicians.
مَحَلٌّ وَاحِد فِي كُلّ سُوق اَلْحَمِيدِيَّة، وَٱلْأَسْوَاق ٱلْمُجَاوِرَة، يَبْدُو مُزْدَانًا لِقُدُوم رَمَضَان. هُنَاكَ زِينَة مُلَوَّنَة تَنْتَشِرُ فِي فَضَائِه، وَعَلَى جَنَبَاتِه. هُوَ مَكَانٌ لِبَيْع ٱلْكُتُب ٱلدِّينِيَّة وَٱلْكَاسِيتَات لِلدُّعَاة ٱلْجُدُد وَٱلْوَاعِظِين. يَقُولُ ٱلشَّابّ اَلَّذِي يُدِيرُه أَنَّ ٱلْأُمُور تَسِير عَلَى خَيْرِ مَا يُرَام، وَٱلْجَمِيع سَعِيدٌ بِقُدُوم «ٱلشَّهْر ٱلْفَضِيل». يَبْدُو كَلامُهُ اِسْتِبْشَارًا أَكْثَر مِنهُ وَاقِعًا. يُشِير إِلَى أَنَّ مَبِيعَاتِه اِزْدَادَت فِي شَكْلٍ مَلْحُوظ، وَكَذٰلِكَ بَيْع «ٱلزِّينَة». وَعِنْدَمَا تُسِرُّ لَه بِأَنَّ حَالَهُ أَفْضَل مِن حَال زُمَلائِه فِي «سُوق اَلْبُزُورِيَّة»، يَرُدّ أَنَّ حَالَهُم أَيْضًا «جَيِّدَة وَٱلْحَمْد لِلّٰه». تَسْتَغْرِبُ طَرِيقَتَهُ فِي ٱلْجَزْم بِمَا يَقُول وَتُنَبِّهُهُ إِلَى أَنَّ «ٱلسُّوق هُنَاكَ فَارِغٌ تَقْرِيبًا»، فَيَرُدُّ بِٱبْتِسَامَةٍ «رَمَضَان كَرِيم... وَٱلْأُمُور إِنْ شَاء اَلله سَتَتَحَسَّن».
One shop in the whole of al-Hamidiyah market and the neighbouring markets appears decorated for the arrival of Ramadan. There is coloured decoration spread out in its [interior] space and on its sides. It is a place for selling religious books and cassettes of the new callers [i.e. callers to their religion; missionaries] and preachers. The young man who runs it says that things are going just as well as could be desired and everyone is happy with the arrival of the holy month [lit. the eminent month]. His talk seems to be more cheerfulness/rejoicing [at good omens] than it is reality. He points out that his sales have increased in a noticeable manner and likewise the sale of decorations. And when you say confidentially to him that his circumstance is better than the circumstance of his colleagues in al-Buzuriya market he replies that their circumstance also is good praise be to God. You are surprised by his way of being absolutely certain about what he says and you call his attention to the fact that the market over there is almost empty. He replies with a smile Ramadan is generous... and things God willing will improve.
اَلْإِسْكَنْدَرِيَّة أَخِيرًا. اَلْإِسْكَنْدَرِيَّة قَطْر ٱلنَّدَى، نَفْثَةُ ٱلسَّحَابَةِ ٱلْبَيْضَاء، مَهْبِط ٱلشُّعَاع ٱلْمَغْسُول بِمَاء ٱلسَّمَاء، وَقَلْب ٱلذِّكْرَيَات ٱلْمُبَلَّلَةِ بِٱلشَّهْد وَٱلدُّمُوع. اَلْعِمَارَةُ ٱلضَّخْمَة اَلشَّاهِقَة تُطَالِعُكَ كَوَجْهٍ قَدِيم، يَسْتَقِرُّ فِي ذِكْرَيَاتِك فَأَنْتَ تَعْرِفُه وَلٰكِنَّهُ يَنْظُر إِلَى لا شَيْء فِي لامُبَالاةٍ فَلا يَعْرِفُك. كَلَحَت ٱلْجُدْرَان ٱلْمُقَشَّرَة مِن طُولِ مَا ٱسْتَكَنَت بِهَا ٱلرُّطُوبَة. وَأَطَلَّت بِجُمَّاع بُنْيَانِهَا عَلَى ٱللِّسَان ٱلْمَغْرُوس فِي ٱلْبَحْر ٱلْأَبْيَض، يُجَلِّل جَنَبَاتَهُ ٱلنَّخِيل وَأَشْجَار ٱلْبَلَح، ثُمَّ يَمْتَدّ حَتَّى طَرَفٍ قَصِي حَيْثُ تُفَرْقِعُ فِي ٱلْمَوَاسِم بَنَادِق ٱلصَّيْد. وَٱلْهَوَاء ٱلْمُنْعِش ٱلْقَوِيّ يَكَادُ يُقَوِّضُ قَامَتِي ٱلنَّحِيلَة ٱلْمُقَوَّسَة، وَلا مُقَاوَمَة جِدِّيَّة كَٱلْأَيَّام ٱلْخَالِيَة. مَارِيَانَا، عَزِيزَتِي مَارِيَانَا، أَرْجُو أَنْ تَكُونِي بِمَعْقِلِك ٱلتَّارِيخِيّ، كَٱلظَّنّ وَكَٱلمَأْمُول، وَإِلَّا فَعَلَيّ وَعَلَى دُنْيَايَ ٱلسَّلام. لَمْ يَبْقَ إِلَّا ٱلْقَلِيل، وَٱلدُّنْيَا تَتَكَرَّر فِي صُورَةٍ غَرِيبَةٍ لِلْعَيْن ٱلْكَلِيلَة ٱلْمُظْلِمَة بِحَاجِبٍ أَبْيَضٍ مُنْجَرِد ٱلشَّعْر. هَا أَنَا أَرْجِعُ إِلَيكِ أَخِيرًا يَا إِسْكَنْدَرِيَّة.
Alexandria at last. Alexandria dew-fall effusion of white cloud landing place of sunbeams [lit. ray] washed with sky-water and the heart of memories wet with honey and tears [=an expression meaning good and bad times] The huge towering building appears before you like an old face fixed/settled in your memories so you know/recognise it but it looks at nothing with indifference and does not recognise you. The peeling walls have become dull from the length [of time] in which moisture has settled in them. And they look out alongwith all their building onto the promontory [lit. tongue] planted in the Mediterranean Sea. Palms and date trees cover the sides [of the promontory] which then extends until the far-away end where in the seasons the hunting guns crack. The strong refreshing wind [or air] almost demolishes my thin bent frame. Theres no serious resistance like the old days [lit. empty days]. Mariana my dear Mariana I hope that you are in your historical refuge as is expected and as is hoped. And if not then for me and for my world its goodbye. Not much remains and the world is repeated in a manner strange to the weary darkened eye with white eye-brows stripped of hair. Here I am returning to you at last O Alexandria.
شَهْر رَمَضَان هُوَ أَحَبّ ٱلشُّهُور إِلَى نَفْسِي، وَمَهْمَا مَرَّت ٱلسِّنُون لا يُمْكِنُ أَنْ أَنْسَى ذِكْرَيَات رَمَضَان ٱلْجَمِيلَة وَرُوحَانِيَّات هٰذَا ٱلشَّهْر ٱلْكَرِيم، اَلَّتِي عِشتُهَا فِي قَرْيَتِي ٱلصَّغِيرَة اَلَّتِي تُسَمَّى «اَلْعُبَيْدِيَّة» وَتَقَعُ بَيْنَ مُحَافَظَتَي اَلْمَنْصُورَة وَدِمْيَاط. وَكُنَّا نَجْتَمِعُ بَعْدَ ٱلْإِفْطَار حَوْلَ جِهَاز ٱلرَّادِيُو لِسَمَاع مُسَلْسَل «أَلْف لَيْلَةٍ وَلَيْلَة»، أَمَّا قَبْلَ ٱلْإِفْطَار فَكُنتُ أَذْهَب مَعَ ٱلصِّبْيَة إِلَى عَمّ يُونِس لِنَتَعَلَّمَ ٱلْقُرْآن ٱلْكَرِيم، وَفِي ٱلْمَسَاء نَجْتَمِعُ حَوْلَ عَمّ اَلدُّسُوقِيّ لِنَسْمَعَ قِصَص عَنْتَر بِن شَدَّاد وَسَيْف بِن ذِي يَزَن. وَنَطُوفُ بِشَوَارِع ٱلْقَرْيَةِ وَأَزِقَّتِهَا بِفَوَانِيس رَمَضَان اَلَّتِي تُضَاء بِٱلشُّمُوع. وَكَانَ مِن عَادَةِ وَالِدِي رَحِمَهُ ٱلله أَنْ يَصْحَبَنِي مَعَهُ إِلَى ٱلْمَضَايِف حَتَّى ٱلسَّحُور. وَكَانَت أَغْلَب ٱلْعَائِلات تَجْتَمِعُ فِي صَالُون ٱلْمَنْزِل وَيَلْتَفُّ ٱلْجَمِيع لِسَمَاع ٱلْقُرْآن ٱلْكَرِيم وَٱلْحَدِيث عَن أَحْوَال ٱلْقَرْيَة وَنَأْكُلُ ٱلْكُنَافَةَ وَٱلْقَطَايِف.
The month of Ramadan is the loveliest of months to me. No matter how many years have passed I cant forget the beautiful Ramadan memories and the spirituality of this holy [lit. generous/noble] month. [Memories] which I lived through in my small village which is called el-Obeidiyya and lies between the districts of el-Mansoura and Damietta [in N. Egypt]. After iftar [=first meal after sunset in Ramadan] we used to gather around the radio set to listen to the series The Thousand and One Nights. As for before iftar I used to go with the boys to Uncle [honorific title for older male] Younis to learn the Holy Quran and in the evening we would gather around Uncle el-Desoky to hear stories of Antar bin Shaddad [d. circa 615 AD] and Saif bin Dhi Yazan [d. 574 AD]. We would wander around the streets of the village and its alleys with Ramadan lanterns which were lit with candles. It used to be the custom of my father may God rest his soul [lit. may God have mercy on him] to take me along with him to the houses receiving guests until sahur [=last meal before daybreak in Ramadan]. Most families would gather in the reception room of the house and everyone would pack together to listen to the Holy Quran and the conversation about the conditions of the village and we would eat kunafa [vermicelli in sugar butter and honey] and qatayef [small semicircular pancakes in honey].
قَالَت شَهْرَزَاد: بَلَغَنِي أَيُّهَا ٱلْمَلِك ٱلسَّعِيد أَنَّهُ كَانَ تَاجِرٌ مِن ٱلتُّجَّار كَثِير ٱلْمَال وَٱلْمُعَامَلات فِي ٱلْبِلاد قَد رَكِبَ يَوْمًا وَخَرَجَ يُطَالِبُ فِي بَعْضِ ٱلْبِلاد، فَٱشْتَدَّ عَلَيْهِ ٱلْحَرّ فَجَلَسَ تَحْتَ شَجَرَةٍ وَحَطَّ يَدَهُ فِي خُرْجِه وَأَكَلَ كِسْرَةً كَانَت مَعَهُ وَتَمْرَة، فَلَمَّا فَرِغَ مِن أَكْل ٱلتَّمْرَة رَمَى ٱلنَّوَاة وَإِذَا هُوَ بِعِفْرِيتٍ طَوِيل ٱلْقَامَة وَبِيَدِهِ سَيْف، فَدَنَا مِن ذٰلِكَ ٱلتَّاجِر وَقَالَ لَهُ: قُم حَتَّى أَقْتُلَك مِثْلَ مَا قَتَلتَ وَلَدِي، فَقَالَ لَهُ ٱلتَّاجِر: كَيْفَ قَتَلتُ وَلَدَك، قَالَ لَهُ: لَمَّا أَكَلتَ ٱلتَّمْرَة وَرَمَيتَ نَوَاتَهَا جَاءَت ٱلنَّوَاة فِي صَدْر وَلَدِي فَقُضِيَ عَلَيْه وَمَاتَ مِن سَاعَتِه...
Shahrazad said: It came to me O auspicious/happy King that there was once a merchant of the merchants [who was] many of riches and business dealings in [all] the lands and one day he mounted [his horse] and went out to claim back [his dues] in some of the lands. The heat became harsh/unbearable for him so he sat down under a tree and put his hand in his saddlebag and ate a crust he had with him and a [dry] date and when he had finished eating the date he threw the stone. All of a sudden [there appeared] before him an ifreet [=demon] tall of frame and in his hand a sword! He approached that merchant and said to him: Stand up so I can kill you just as you killed my son! So the merchant said to him: How did I kill your son? He said to him: When you ate the date and threw its stone the stone struck [lit. came into] the breast of my son and did for him [lit. it was settled for him] and he died instantly...
فَقَالَ ٱلتَّاجِر لِلْعِفْرِيت: اِعْلَم أَيُّهَا ٱلْعِفْرِيت أَنِّي عَلَيَّ دَيْن، وَلِي مَالٌ كَثِير وَأَوْلادٌ وَزَوْجَة، وَعِنْدِي رُهُون فَدَعنِي أَذْهَب إِلَى بَيْتِي وَأَعْطِي كُلّ ذِي حَقٍّ حَقَّه ثُمَّ أَعُودُ إِلَيك وَلَكَ عَلَيَّ عَهْدٌ وَمِيثَاق أَنِّي أَعُودُ إِلَيك فَتَفْعَلُ بِي مَا تُرِيد وَٱلله عَلَى مَا أَقُولُ وَكِيل. فَٱسْتَوْثَقَ مِنهُ ٱلْجِنِّيّ وَأَطْلَقَه، فَرَجَعَ إِلَى بَلَدِه وَقَضَى جَمِيع تَعَلُّقَاتِه وَأَوْصَل ٱلْحُقُوق إِلَى أَهْلِهَا وَأَعْلَمَ زَوْجَتَهُ وَأَوْلادَه بِمَا جَرَى لَه، فَبَكَوا وَكَذٰلِكَ جَمِيع أَهْلِهِ وَنِسَاءِهِ وَأَوْلادِه، وَأَوْصَى وَقَعَدَ عِنْدَهُم إِلَى تَمَام ٱلسَّنَة ثُمَّ تَوَجَّهَ وَأَخَذَ كَفَنَهُ تَحْتَ إِبْطِه وَوَدَّعَ أَهْلَهُ وَجِيرَانَه وَجَمِيع أَهْلِه، وَخَرَجَ رَغْمًا عَن أَنْفِه وَأُقِيمَ عَلَيْهِ ٱلْعِيَاط وَٱلصُّرَاخ، فَمَشَى إِلَى أَنْ وَصَلَ إِلَى ذٰلِكَ ٱلْبُسْتَان، وَكَانَ ذٰلِكَ ٱلْيَوْم أَوَّل ٱلسَّنَةِ ٱلْجَدِيدَة.
So the merchant said to the ifreet: Know O ifreet that I have debts and I have much money and children and a wife and I have pawned goods [in my keeping]. So let me go to my house to give everyone who has rights his rights and then I will return to you. And you have from me a vow and a covenant that I will return to you for you to do with me what you want. And God to what I say is a witness. The genie trusted him and released him. So he returned to his land and settled all his obligations [lit. attachments] and delivered the rights to their owners [lit. people] and told his wife and children of what had happened to him. So they cried as did all his relatives and his women and his children. He made his will and sat with them until the completion of the year. Then he turned [to go] and took his [funeral] shroud under his arm [lit. armpit] and bade farewell to his family and his neighbours and all his relatives. And he went out in spite of his nose. [Much] shouting and screaming was held for him. Then he walked until he arrived at that garden. And that day was the first of the new year.
ضَغَطتُ عَلَى جَرَس ٱلشَّقَّة بِٱلدَّوْر ٱلرَّابِع. فُتِحَت شَرَّاعَةُ ٱلْبَاب مِن وَجْه مَارِيَانَا. تَغَيَّرتِ كَثِيرًا يَا عَزِيزَتِي. وَلَمْ تَعْرِفنِي فِي ٱلطُّرْقَة ٱلْمُظْلِمَة. أَمَّا بَشَرَتُهَا اَلْبَيْضَاء اَلنَّاصِعَة وَشَعْرُهَا ٱلذَّهَبِيّ فَقَد تَوَهَّجَا تَحْتَ ضَوْءٍ يَنْتَشِر مِن نَافِذَةٍ بِٱلدَّاخِل. بَنْسِيُون مِيرَامَار؟ نَعَم يَا أَفَنْدِم. أُرِيدُ حُجْرَة خَالِيَة. اَلْبَاب فُتِح. اِسْتَقْبَلَنِي تِمْثَال ٱلْعَذْرَاء ٱلْبُرُنْزِيّ. ثَمَّةَ رَائِحَةٌ مَا لَعَلِّي أَفْتَقِدُهَا أَحْيَانًا. وَقَفنَا نَتَبَادَلُ ٱلنَّظَر. طَوِيلَة رَشِيقَة، اَلشَّعْر ذَهَبِيّ، وَٱلصِّحَّة لا بَأْس بِهَا، وَلٰكِن بِأَعْلَى ٱلظَّهْر إِحْدِيدَاب، وَٱلشَّعْر مَصْبُوغٌ حَتْمًا، وَٱلْيَد ٱلْمَعْرُوقَة وَتَجَاعِيد زَاوِيَتَي ٱلْفَم تَشِي بِٱلْعَجْز وَٱلْكِبَر. إِنَّكِ يَا عَزِيزَتِي فِي ٱلْخَامِسَةِ وَٱلسِّتِّين رَغْمَ أَنَّ ٱلرَّوْعَة لَمْ تَسْحَب مِنكِ جَمِيع أَذْيَالِهَا. وَلٰكِن هَلْ تَتَذَكَّرِينَنِي؟ نَظَرَت بِٱهْتِمَامٍ تِجَارِي بَادِئ ٱلْأَمْر، وَدَقَّقَت ٱلنَّظَر، ثُمَّ ٱخْتَلَجَت ٱلْعَيْنَان ٱلزَّرْقَاوَان. هَا أَنْتِ تَتَذَكَّرِين، وَهَا أَنَا أَسْتَرِدُّ وُجُودِي ٱلضَّائِع. أُوه.. أَنْت! مَدَام!
I pressed on the bell of the apartment on the fourth floor. The peep hole of the door opened to the face of Mariana. You have changed much my dear. She didnt recognise me in the dark passageway. Her snow-white complexion and her golden hair glowed under the light spreading from a window inside. Pension Miramar? Yes Sir. I would like a vacant room. The door opened. The bronze statue of the Virgin [Mary] received me. There is a certain smell that perhaps I have sometimes missed. We stood looking at each other. Tall slim the hair is golden and the health - not bad but at the top of the back [there is] a hunch and the hair is dyed certainly. The gaunt hand and the wrinkles of the corners of the mouth betray growing old and age. You my dear are sixty five though splendour has not withdrawn from you all its vestiges [lit. rearmost parts] But do you remember me? She looked with commercial interest at first. She looked more closely then the blue eyes twitched. There you are! You remember! And here I am reclaiming my lost existence. Oh its you! Madame!