اَلْكِلاب لَطِيفَةٌ وَوَفِيَّةٌ وَلَعُوبَة، رَغْم أَنَّهَا فِي بَعْض ٱلْأَحْيَان بَلْهَاء، فَلا مُشْكِلَةٌ عِنْدِي تُجَاهَ ٱلْكِلاب عَلَى ٱلْإِطْلاق وَلٰكِن عَلَى شَرْط أَلَّا تَقْتَرِبَ مِنِّي أَكْثَر مِن ٱللّازِم، كَأَنْ تَرْفَعَ يَدَيْهَا عَلَى صَدْرِي أَوْ تَتَمَسَّح بِي، أَمَّا مَا عَدَا ذٰلِك فَأَهْلًا وَسَهْلًا بِهَا. وَرَغْم إِعْجَابِي بِٱلْأُورُوبِّيِّين بِعَطْفِهِم عَلَى ٱلْحَيَوَانَات وَمِنهَا ٱلْكِلاب خُصُوصًا، إِلَّا أَنَّنِي أَشْمَئِزّ وَأَتَعَجَّب مِن مُعَايَشَتِهِم لَهَا فِي دَاخِل مَنَازِلِهِم، بَل إِنَّ ٱلْبَيْت قَد يَكُون فِي مُنْتَهَى ٱلْأَنَاقَةِ وَٱلنَّظَافَة، وَقَد يَكُون صَاحِب ذٰلِك ٱلْبَيْت دُكْتُور طَبِيب، وَمَعَ ذٰلِك لا يَتَوَرَّعُ عَن ٱلسَّمَاح لِكَلْبِهِ مِن ٱلْاِنْبِطَاح عَلَى سَرِيرِه رَغْم أَنَّ ذٰلِك ٱلْكَلْب قَد عَادَ لِتَوِّهِ مِن خَارِج ٱلْبَيْت بَعْدَ أَنْ قَضَى حَاجَتَه، هٰذَا ٱلتَّنَاقُض بِٱلْمَسْلَك هُوَ مَا يُحَيِّرُنِي بِٱلرَّجُل ٱلْأُورُوبِّيّ.
Dogs are nice loyal and playful although they are sometimes stupid. I have no problem with [lit. in front of] dogs at all but on condition that they dont get any closer to me than is necessary like [when] they raise their forelegs onto my chest or rub themselves against me. Apart from that theyre welcome. Despite my admiration of Europeans for their affection towards animals and especially dogs nevertheless I am disgusted and amazed at their living together with them inside their houses. Indeed the house might be the last word [lit. the utmost limit] in elegance and cleanliness and maybe the owner of that house is a medical doctor yet he wont think twice [lit. hesitate] about allowing his dog to lie down on his bed despite the fact that that dog had just returned from outside the house after it had relieved itself [lit. finished its need]. This contradiction in behaviour is what baffles me about the European man.
اَلْفَرِيق ٱلْمُوَحَّد ٱللِّبَاس يَتَكَوَّن مِن جَزَائِرِيَّة لِتَصْفِيف ٱلشَّعْر وَفِلِبِّينِيَّتَين لِلْاِهْتِمَام بِأَظَافِر ٱلْيَدَيْن وَٱلرِّجْلَيْن وَهِنْدِيَّة لِلتَّدْلِيك وَسْرِيلانْكِيَّة لِرَسْم ٱلْحَوَاجِب وَإِزَالَةِ ٱلشَّعْر وَمَغْرِبِيَّة طَبْعًا لِلْحَمَّام ٱلْمَغْرِبِيّ. هٰذَا هُوَ ٱلتَّقْسِيم ٱلْمَبْدَئِيّ لِلْعَامِلِين. مُجْتَمَعٌ مُصَغَّر عَن ٱلْمَدِينَةِ ٱلْأَوْسَع. وَلٰكِنَّ، ثَمَّةَ تَقْسِيمٌ آخَر مُوَازٍ لِهٰذَا ٱلتَّقْسِيم ٱلْوَظِيفِيّ لَيْسَ مِن ٱلصَّعْب عَلَى أَيّ زَائِرَةٍ أَنْ تَكْتَشِفَهُ، لا سِيَّمَا إِذَا وَصَلَت بَاكِرًا مَعَ أَوَّل سَاعَات اِفْتِتَاح ٱلصَّالُون، وَحَضَرَت قِسْمًا مِن وَرْشَةِ ٱلتَّنْظِيف ٱلصَّبَاحِيَّة. هٰذَا ٱلتَّقْسِيم، يَجْعَلُ ٱلسّْرِيلانْكِيَّة وَٱلْهِنْدِيَّة حَصْرًا اَلْمَسْؤُولَتَين عَن مُهِمَّات ٱلتَّنْظِيف وَخِدْمَةِ ٱلْعَامِلَات اَلْأُخْرَيَات اَللَّوَاتِي يُفْتَرَضُ أَنَّهُنّ «زَمِيلَاتُهُنَّ» فِي ٱلْعَمَل. عِلْمًا أَنَّ ٱلْهِنْدِيَّة هِيَ ٱلْأَكْثَر اِحْتِرَافًا بَيْنَ ٱلْعَامِلَات، وَلٰكِنَّ تَصْنِيفَهَا ٱلْاِجْتِمَاعِيّ اَلْمُسَبَّق بِسَبَب جِنْسِيَّتِهَا وَلَوْنِهَا، يَجْعَلُ مِنهَا هِيَ وَٱلْفَتَاة ٱلسّْرِيلانْكِيَّة، فِئَةً قَابِلَةً سَلَفًا لِتُكُونَ فِي خِدْمَةِ ٱلْأُخْرَيَات.
The uniformly dressed team is composed of an Algerian woman for the hairdressing two Filipinas for taking care of the nails of the hands and feet an Indian woman for the massage a Sri Lankan woman for eyebrow drawing and hair removal and a Moroccan woman of course for the Moroccan bath. This is the basic division of the workers; A miniature society from the wider city. But there is another division which goes in parallel with this functional division which is not difficult for any visitor to discover especially if she arrives early in the first hours of the salons opening and is present at part of the morning cleaning session [lit. workshop]. This division makes the Sri Lankan and the Indian exclusively responsible for the tasks of cleaning and serving the other workers who are supposedly their colleagues at work. Note that the Indian woman is the most practiced among the workers but her prior social classification due to her nationality and colour makes of her her and the Sri Lankan girl a group predisposed to being in the service of the other women.
بَعْدَ سَبْع سَنَوَات مِن ٱلذَّهَاب وَٱلْإِيَاب عَبْرَ ٱلْحُدُود، حَامِلًا فِي ٱلذَّهَاب نُقُودًا وَفِي ٱلْإِيَاب أَقْمِشَة.. قَرَّرَ حِمَارٌ يَمْلِكُهُ مِصْرِيّ فِي مَدِينَةِ ٱلسَّلُّوم (عَلَى ٱلْحُدُود مَعَ لِيبِيَا)، اَلتَّقَاعُد عَن ٱلْعَمَل وَٱلتَّوَقُّف عَن عُبُور ٱلْوِدْيَان وَٱلْمُنْحَدَرَات ٱلْحُدُودِيَّة، وَمَا فِيهَا مِن مُفَاجَآتٍ غَيْر سَارَّة. اَلْحِمَار مَلَّ ٱلْمُهِمَّةَ فَجْأَة، وَٱخْتَارَ بَدَلًا مِنهَا اَلتَّرَيُّض بِحُرِّيَّة فِي ٱلْوِهَاد ٱلْجَنُوبِيَّة مِن مَدِينَةِ إِمْسَاعِد اَللِّيبِيَّة. وَلٰكِنَّ، بَعْدَ نَحْو شَهْر مِن ٱلْبَحْث عَنه اِنْتَهَى بِٱلْعُثُور عَلَيْه، لَمْ يَجِد صَاحِب ٱلْحِمَار اَلْمَبْلَغ اَلَّذِي كَانَ وَضَعَهُ فِي كِيسٍ مِن ٱلْخَيْش وَرَبَطَهُ عَلَى ظَهْر ٱلْحِمَار حِينَ أَرْسَلَهُ فِي آخِر مُهِمَّةٍ لَهُ لِمَصْلَحَةِ تَاجِرٍ كَانَ يَنْتَظِرُهُ عَبْرَ ٱلْحُدُود. وَيَبْدُو أَنَّ ٱلْحِمَار تَمَرَّد وَلَجَأَ إِلَى ٱلصَّحْرَاء رَافِضًا اَلرُّجُوع مَعَ صَاحِبِه.
After seven years of going to and fro across the border carrying on the outward trip cash and on the return trip fabrics a donkey owned by an Egyptian in the town of al-Salloum (on the border with Libya) decided to retire from work and stop crossing the border valleys and slopes and what is in them in terms of unpleasant surprises. The donkey got bored with the job suddenly and chose instead to exercise freely in the southern lowlands of the Libyan town of Imsaaid. But after around a month of searching for him it ended with his being found. The owner of the donkey did not find the sum of money which he had put in a bag of sackcloth and tied onto the back of the donkey when he sent it on [the donkeys] last job for the benefit of a merchant who was waiting for it across the border. It seems that the donkey rebelled and took refuge in the desert refusing to return with its owner.
قَالَ لِي وَكَأَنَّهُ يُقَرِّعُنِي: إِنَّ ٱلشَّخْص اَلَّذِي يُخْفِي رَأْسَهُ فِي ٱلرِّمَال، يُتِيحُ لِخَصْمِهِ هَدَفًا مُرِيحًا. فَسَأَلتُهُ وَأَنَا أُحَسْحِسُ عَلَى رَأْسِي: مَاذَا تَقْصِد؟! قَال: أَقْصِدُ لَوْ أَنَّ رَبِّي لَمْ يَخْلُقَكَ إِنْسَانًا، لَخَلَقَكَ بِدُونِ أَدْنَى شَكّ ذَكَر نَعَام. قُلتُ لَهُ: لا حَوْلَ وَلا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱلله وَلِمَاذَا ذَكَر نَعَام بِٱلذَّات؟!، لِمَاذَا لا أَكُون ذَكَر دَجَاج مَثَلًا ـ يَعْنِي دِيك ـ؟! قَال: أَعْرِفُ أُمْنِيَّتَكَ ٱلْخَبِيثَة أَنْتَ تُرِيد أَنْ تَكُون «نِسْوَنْجِي»، وَلٰكِن صَدِّقنِي إِنَّكَ لَوْ كُنتَ دِيكًا لَهَرَبَت مِن وَجْهِكَ ٱلْعَكِر كُلُّ ٱلدَّجَاجَات، فَلا شَكْل، وَلا صَوْت، وَلا حَتَّى ذَكَاء. عِنْدَهَا أُصِبتُ بِإِحْبَاطٍ عَظِيم، وَقُلتُ لَه وَأَنَا مُنَكِّس رَأْسِي بِٱلْأَرْض: مَعَاذ ٱلله أَنْ أَكُونَ كَذٰلِك، وَلٰكِن شُكْرًا. فَرَدَّ عَلَيَّ بِٱمْتِعَاضٍ قَائِلًا: عَفْوًا، وَخَرَجَ دُونَ أَنْ يَقُولَ لِي حَتَّى مَعَ ٱلسَّلامَة.
He said to me as though he was scolding me that: The person who hides his head in the sand gives to his opponent a comfortable target. So I asked him as I was touching/feeling my head: What do you mean? He said: I mean if my Lord hadnt created you as a human he would have created you without the slightest doubt as a male ostrich. I said to him: There is no power and no strength except in God [i.e. the speaker is at a loss how to respond]. And why a male ostrich in particular? Why shouldnt I be a male chicken for example - you know a cock -?! He said: I know your wicked wish. You want to be a womaniser but believe me if you were a cock all the hens would run away from your ugly/gloomy face:- Theres no shape [to speak of] or voice or even intelligence. At this I was struck with a [feeling of] great defeat and said to him with my head bowed to the ground: God forbid [lit. I seek refuge in God against] that I should be like that but thank you. He replied to me with annoyance saying: Youre welcome and left without even saying goodbye to me.
«اَلْقَادَةُ ٱلْجُدُد» لِسَيَّارَات ٱلْأُجْرَة يُمَثِّلُون نِسْبَة غَيْر قَلِيلَة مِن أَرْبَاب هٰذِهِ ٱلْمِهْنَة، وَغَالِبِيَّتُهُم غَيْر رَاضِيَة. وَبِدَايَةً، فَإِنَّ لَقَب «أُسْطَى» بِٱلنِّسْبَةِ إِلَى ٱلسَّائِقِين اَلشَّبَاب إِهَانَة لا يَمْحُوهَا إِلَّا لَقَب «بَاشْمُهَنْدِس». «اَلْبَاشْمُهَنْدِس» أَحْمَد (سِتَّة وَعِشْرِين سَنَة) حَاصِلٌ عَلَى بَكَالُورِيُوس تِجَارَة وَيَتَّبِعُ أُسْلُوب «فَشِّ ٱلْغِلّ» فِي طَرِيقَةِ قِيَادَتِهِ لِلسَّيَّارَة اَلَّتِي يَعْمَلُ سَائِقًا عَلَيْهَا وَلا يَمْلِكُهَا. فَهُوَ يُنَاهِض قَوَانِين ٱلطَّبِيعَة بِمُحَاوَلَةِ ٱخْتِرَاق ٱلسَّيَّارَات ٱلْمُجَاوِرَة وَٱلْقِيَادَة بِسُرْعَةٍ جُنُونِيَّة تَجَنُّبًا لِلْوُقُوف عِنْدَ إِشَارَات ٱلْمُرُور. وَكُلَّمَا أَوْقَفَهُ ضَابِط مُرُور فَإِنَّ أَوَّلَ مَا يَقُولُهُ أَنَّهُ «خِرِّيج جَامِعَة وَلَيْسَ سَائِقًا». وَيُؤَكِّد أَحْمَد أَنَّهُ سَيَظَلُّ يَبْحَثُ عَن فُرْصَةٍ حَقِيقِيَّة تَمْنَحُهُ ٱلْحَيَاة اَلَّتِي يَسْتَحِقُّهَا.
The new [graduate] drivers of taxis represent not a small proportion of the proprietors of this profession and the majority of them are not content/satisfied. For a start the title ;usṭā [=colloquial for ;ustāḏ] for the young drivers is an insult which nothing erases other than the title bāšmuhandis [=chief engineer]. Bāšmuhandis Ahmed (twenty six years old) is a holder of a Bachelor of Commerce and pursues a course of venting [his] hatred/malice in his way of driving the car which he works as a driver on and doesnt own. He defies the laws of nature by trying to get past neighbouring cars and driving at a crazy speed avoiding stopping at traffic signals. And whenever a traffic officer stops him the first thing that he says is that he is a university graduate and not a driver. Ahmed stresses that he will keep on looking for a real opportunity which will give him the life which he deserves.
سَادَ ٱلْقَلَق أَخِيرًا رُبُوع مِصْر، خُصُوصًا اَلرِّيفِيَّة مِنهَا، حِينَ تَدَاوَلَ ٱلْإِعْلام فِكْرَةً نُسِبَت إِلَى وَزِير ٱلرَّيّ ٱلْجَدِيد اَلدُّكْتُور مُحَمَّد نَصْر عَلَّام تُفِيد بِتَرْكِيب عَدَّادَات مِيَاه فِي ٱلْحُقُول لِبَدْء مُحَاسَبَةِ ٱلْفَلَّاحِين عَلَى قِيمَةِ مِيَاه ٱلرَّيّ، اَلْأَمْر اَلَّذِي نَفَاهُ ٱلْوَزِير. وَسَوَاء ظَلَّت ٱلْفِكْرَة مَنْفِيَّة أَمْ لا، فَإِنَّ وَاقِع ٱلْحَال يُؤَكِّدُ أَنَّ ٱلْأَشْهُر ٱلْقَلِيلَةَ ٱلْمُقْبِلَة سَتَشْهَدُ تَغْيِيرًا جِذْرِيًّا فِي ٱلسِّيَاسَات ٱلْمَائِيَّةِ ٱلدَّاخِلِيَّة، وَمُحَاوَلات مُخْتَلِفَة وَمُبْتَكَرَة لِتَغْيِير مَلامِح ٱلثَّقَافَةِ ٱلْعَشْوَائِيَّة اَلْمَائِيَّة لِلْمِصْرِيِّين. وَيَعْتَقِدُ ٱلْبَعْض أَنَّ هٰذِهِ ٱلْعَشْوَائِيَّة حُكْرٌ عَلَى ٱلْبُسَطَاء مِمَّن يُغْرِقُون ٱلشَّوَارِع صَيْفًا مِن صَنَابِير ٱلْمَاء ٱلْعُمُومِيَّة لِتَبْرِيد ٱلْجَوّ، أَوْ «اَلْبَوَّابِين» اَلَّذِينَ يَغْسِلُون سَيَّارَات سُكَّان ٱلْأَبْنِيَةِ بِٱلْخَرَاطِيم، إِلَّا أَنَّ هٰذِهِ ٱلْعَشْوَائِيَّة تَتَّخِذُ أَشْكَالًا أُخْرَى وَلَهَا مُسَمَّيَاتٌ كَثِيرَة فِي قَامُوس ٱلطَّبَقَاتِ ٱلثَّرِيَّة. فَمِنهَا مَثَلًا اَلْبِرَكُ ٱلصِّنَاعِيَّة اَلَّتِي تَمْلَأُ ٱلْمُنْتَجَعَات ٱلسَّكَنِيَّة فِي ٱلْمُدُن ٱلْجَدِيدَة، وَمَلاعِب ٱلْغُولْف اَلشَّاسِعَة.
Worry recently reigned over the areas of Egypt especially the rural of them when the media circulated an idea attributed to the new Minister of Irrigation Dr. Mohamed Nasr Allam which told of the installing of water meters in fields to start making the fellaheen [=peasant farmers] accountable for the cost of irrigation water something which the Minister denied. Whether the idea remains denied or not the reality of the situation confirms that the coming few months will see a radical change in domestic water policies and novel and different attempts to change the features of the thoughtless/random [use of] water culture of the Egyptians. Some believe that this thoughtlessness is the monopoly of the simple folk from among those who flood the streets in summer from the public water taps to cool the air or the janitors [lit. doormen] who wash the cars of the residents of the buildings with hoses. However this thoughtlessness takes other forms which have many names in the dictionary of the wealthy classes. Among them for example the artificial ponds which fill the residential resorts in the new towns and the vast golf courses.
اِخْتَتَمَت اَلْقِمَّةُ ٱلْعَرَبِيَّة أَعْمَالَهَا فِي ٱلْعَاصِمَةِ ٱلْقَطَرِيَّة اَلدَّوْحَة بِصُورَةٍ مُفَاجِئَة مَسَاء أَمْس، بَعْدَ أَنْ كَانَ مُقَرَّرًا أَنْ تُخْتَتَم اَلْيَوْم. وَٱنْتَهَت ٱلْقِمَّةُ ٱلْعَرَبِيَّة وَسْطَ أَجْوَاء لَغَط وَجَدَل بِسَبَب مُدَاخَلَةِ ٱلزَّعِيم ٱللِّيبِيّ اَلْعَقِيد مُعَمَّر ٱلْقَذَّافِيّ وَٱلصَّخَب اَلَّذِي صَاحَبَهَا وَأَدَّى إِلَى تَلاشِي ٱلصَّوْت أَحْيَانًا وَٱنْقِطَاعِهِ مَرَّتَيْن بَيْنَمَا كَانَ رَئِيس ٱلْجَلْسَة أَمِير قَطَر اَلشَّيْخ حَمَد بِن خَلِيفَة يُحَاوِلُ إِسْكَات اَلْقَذَّافِيّ اَلَّذِي وَاصَلَ حَدِيثَهُ غَيْر آبِه بِدَعَوَات ٱلْاِلْتِزَام بِٱلنِّظَام. وَبِسَبَب ٱلْاِرْتِبَاك اَلَّذِي سَادَ ٱلْجَلْسَة فِي تِلْكَ ٱللَّحَظَات لَمْ يَتَمَكَّن كَثِيرُون دَاخِلَ قَاعَةِ ٱلْمُؤْتَمَر وَخَارِجَهَا مِن سَمَاع كُلّ مَا قِيلَ بِدِقَّة، بَل سَمِعَ ٱلْكَثِيرُون أَجْزَاء فَقَط مِن ٱلْحَدِيث. وَطَغَت هٰذِهِ ٱلْوَاقِعَة عَلَى ٱلْأَجْوَاء، وَلَمْ تَتَّضِح حَتَّى مَسَاء أَمْس اَلظُّرُوف اَلَّتِي أَدَّت إِلَى ٱخْتِصَار ٱلْقِمَّةِ يَوْمًا وَٱخْتِتَامِهَا مَسَاء أَمْس.
The Arab summit concluded its business in the Qatar capital Doha suddenly yesterday evening after it had been scheduled to finish today. The Arab summit ended amid an atmosphere of shouting/uproar and arguing due to the intervention of the Libyan leader Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi and the noise which accompanied it which led to the disappearing of his voice at times and it being cut off twice while the leader of the session the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa was trying to silence Gaddafi who continued his speech taking no notice of the calls to come to order. And because of the confusion which reigned over the session in those moments many people inside the conference hall and outside it were not able to hear all that was said precisely. Indeed many heard only parts of the speech. This incident overshadowed [lit. dominated] the atmosphere and it wasnt clear up until yesterday evening [what] the circumstances [were] which had led to the shortening of the summit by a day and its ending yesterday evening.
قَضَت مَحْكَمَةٌ مِصْرِيَّة أَمْس بِحَبْس مُوَظَّفٍ مُتَقَاعِد لِمُدَّةِ سَبْع سَنَوَات، وَحَبْس زَوْجَتِهِ ٱلْمُعَلِّمَة ثَلاث سَنَوَات، وَوَضْعِهِمَا تَحْتَ مُرَاقَبَةِ ٱلشُّرْطَة لِمُدَّةٍ مُمَاثِلَة، فِي قَضِيَةٍ عَرَفَهَا ٱلرَّأْي ٱلْعَامّ ٱلْمِصْرِيّ بِٱسْم «تَبَادُل ٱلزَّوْجَات». وَكَانَ ٱلزَّوْجَان قَد أُوْقِفَا أَوَاخِر ٱلْعَام ٱلْمَاضِي بِتُهَمٍ مِنهَا اَلْإِعْلان وَٱلدَّعْوَى عَبْرَ شَبَكَةِ ٱلْإِنْتَرْنَت لِتَبَادُل ٱلزَّوْجَات. مَحْكَمَةُ جُنَح ٱلْعَجُوزَة اَلَّتِي أَصْدَرَت ٱلْحُكْم قَالَت فِي حَيْثِيَّاتِه إِنَّ ٱلْمُتَّهَمَيْن لَمْ يَكْتَفِيَا بِنِعْمَةِ ٱلزَّوَاج، وَقَامَا بِٱرْتِكَاب وَاقِعَةِ ٱلتَّبَادُل هٰذِهِ (مَعَ آخَرِين) مَرَّتَيْن فِي آخِر شَهْر رَمَضَان بَعْدَ ٱلْإِفْطَار، وَٱلثَّالِثَة ثَانِي أَيَّام عِيد ٱلْفِطْر.. «وَهِيَ أَيَّامٌ مُبَارَكَة تُصَفَّدُ فِيهَا شَيَاطِين ٱلْجِنّ وَلا يَتَبَقَّى إِلَّا شَيَاطِين ٱلْإِنْس». وَأَضَافَت ٱلْمَحْكَمَة أَنَّ ٱلْاِثْنَيْن «تَحَالَفَا مَعَ ٱلشَّيْطَان وَكَانَ ٱلشَّيْطَان لَهُمَا رَفِيقًا، غَيْر عَابِئَيْن بِجَزَاءٍ وَضَعَهُ ٱلشَّرْع وَٱلْقَانُون، وَلا مُبَالِيَيْن بِسُلْطَان، مُعْتَرِفَيْن أَنَّ قَصْدَهُمَا ٱلْجِنَائِيّ اَلْمُتْعَةُ ٱلْحَرَام دُونَ مُقَابِلٍ مَادِّيّ».
An Egyptian court yesterday ruled to imprison a retired office worker for a period of seven years and to imprison his teacher wife for three years and to place them both under police supervision for a similar period in a case the Egyptian public [lit. public opinion] has come to know by the name of wife swap. The couple were arrested at the end of last year with accusations including advertising and appealing via the internet for the exchange/swapping of wives. The Agouza Misdemeanours Court which issued the judgement said in the reasonings [for the judgement] that the two accused were not content with the blessing of marriage and they carried out the perpetratation of this incident of swapping (with others) twice at the end of the month of Ramadan after ;ifṭār [=first meal after sunset in Ramadan] and the third [time] on the second day of Eid al-Fiṭr [lit. the festival of fast breaking (at the end of Ramadan)].. and they are blessed days in which the demons of the Jinn are shackled and none remain other than the demons of humankind. The court added that the two had made a pact with the Devil and the Devil was a companion for them [and they were] indifferent to the punishment Islamic law and [secular] law has set down and indifferent to authority and they confessed that their criminal intent was forbidden pleasure without material reward.
خَفَّفَت مَحْكَمَةُ ٱلتَّمْيِيز اَلْاِتِّحَادِيَّة فِي ٱلْعِرَاق أَمْس اَلْحُكْم ٱلصَّادِر ضِدّ ٱلصِّحَافِيّ اَلْعِرَاقِيّ مُنْتَظَر اَلزَّيْدِيّ اَلَّذِي رَشَقَ ٱلرَّئِيس اَلْأَمِيرِكِيّ ٱلسَّابِق جُورْج بُوش بِفَرْدَتَي حِذَائِه مِن ٱلسِّجْن لِثَلاث سَنَوَات إِلَى سَنَةٍ وَاحِدَة. وَأَوْضَحَ مُحَامِي ٱلدِّفَاع عَن اَلزَّيْدِيّ ضِيَاء اَلسَّعْدِيّ أَنَّ «ٱلْقَرَار صَدَرَ بِنَاء عَلَى طَلَب ٱلطَّعْنُ اَلَّذِي قَدَّمَهُ فَرِيق ٱلدِّفَاع، اِسْتِنَادًا إِلَى ٱلْبَوَاعِث ٱلْوَطَنِيَّة وَرَاءَ فِعْلِه»، إِضَافَةً «لِكَوْنِهِ شَابًّا فِي مُقْتَبَل ٱلْعُمْر وَلَمْ يَرْتَكِب أَيّ جَرِيمَةٍ سَابِقًا». مِن جِهَتِهِ، أَكَّدَ ضِرْغَام شَقِيق مُنْتَظَر اَلزَّيْدِيّ أَنَّ «ٱلْعَائِلَة تَلَقَّت ٱلنَّبَأ بِفَرَحٍ غَامِر وَهَتَفَ ٱلْجَمِيع وَرَقَصنَا وَسْطَ ٱلزَّغَارِيد». وَأَضَاف: «حَتَّى شَقِيقَتِي اَلَّتِي كَانَت تَرْقُدُ فِي ٱلْمُسْتَشْفَى طَلَبَت مُغَادَرَتَهَا لَدَى سَمَاعِهَا ٱلْخَبَر، مُؤَكِّدَة أَنَّهَا أَصْبَحَت فِي صِحَّةٍ جَيِّدَة وَتَسْتَطِيعُ ٱلْمُغَادَرَة». وَتَابَع أَنَّ «ٱلْخَبَر بِٱلنِّسْبَةِ إِلَينَا كَعَائِلَةِ مُنْتَظَر كَمَا لِأَصْدِقَائِه يُشَكِّل اِنْتِصَارًا».
The Federal Court of Appeal in Iraq yesterday reduced [lit. lightened] the sentence issued against the Iraqi journalist Muntazar al-Zaidi who threw both his shoes at the former American President George Bush from imprisonment for three years to one year. The defence lawyer for al-Zaidi Diya al-Sa`dii explained that the decision was issued in accordance with the appeal request which the defence team presented based on the patriotic motives behind his action in addition to his being a young man in the prime [lit. beginning] of life who has not committed any crime before. For his part Dirgham the brother of Muntazar al-Zaidi confirmed that the family had received the news with overwhelming [lit. overflowing] joy. Everyone cheered and we danced amid trills of joy [made by Arab women]. He added: Even my sister who was lying in hospital asked to leave on her hearing the news confirming that she had come to be in good health and was able to leave. He went on [to say] that the news for us as the family of Muntazar just as for his friends represents a victory.
أَكَّدَت ٱلسُّلُطَاتُ ٱلْأَمْنِيَّة فِي ٱلسُّعُودِيَّة، أَنَّ مَا يَدُور حَوْلَ وُجُود مَادَّةِ ٱلزِّئْبَق ٱلْأَحْمَر فِي مَاكِينَاتِ ٱلْخِيَاطَةِ ٱلْقَدِيمَة «سِنْجَر»، مُجَرَّد عَمَلِيَّةِ اِحْتِيَال لا صِحَّةَ لَهَا، مُحَذِّرَةً اَلْمُوَاطِنِين مِن ٱلْاِنْجِرَاف خَلْفَ مِثْلِ هٰذِهِ ٱلشَّائِعَات، اَلَّتِي لا تَمُتُّ لِلْحَقِيقَةِ بِصِلَة. فَفِي ٱلطَّائِف اِصْطَفَّ ٱلْمِئَات فِي سُوق ٱلشُّرُوق فِي شَارِع ٱلْبَرِيد، لِحُضُور ٱلْمُزَايَدَات عَلَى بَيْع مَاكِينَات ٱلْخِيَاطَة، اَلَّتِي وَصَلَت أَسْعَارُهَا إِلَى مِئَةِ أَلْف رِيَال، بَل وَأَصْبَحَ ٱلطَّلَب عَلَيْهَا مُلِحًّا، لِدَرَجَةِ أَنَّ أَبْوَاب كِبَار ٱلسِّنّ مِن ٱلنِّسَاء لَمْ تَهْدَأ مِن سَمَاسِرَةِ ٱلْبَيْع، اَلَّتِي تُطَارِد كُلّ مَاكِينَةِ خِيَاطَة، حَتَّى وَلَوْ كَانَت فِي قُرَى نَائِيَّة بَعِيدَة عَن ٱلْمَدِينَة. وَبَيَّنَ حَسَن اَلْعَمْرِيّ، أُسْتَاذ ٱلْفِيزِيَاء، أَنَّ ٱلزِّئْبَق ٱلْأَحْمَر هُوَ مِن ٱلْمَوَادّ ٱلنَّادِرَة وَيَصِلُ سِعْرُهُ إِلَى مَلايِين ٱلرِّيَالَات، وَقِيل إِنَّهُ قُرْبَانٌ لِلْجِنّ وَأَكْلَةٌ مُفَضَّلَة لَدَيهِم يَسْتَخْدِمُهَا ٱلْمُشَعْوِذُون لِلتَّقَرُّب إِلَى ٱلْجِنّ.
Security authorities in Saudi stressed that what is going around concerning the presence of the substance red mercury in old Singer sewing machines is merely a scam which has no truth to it warning the citizens against being swept away behind rumours such as these which have no connection to reality. As in Taif hundreds lined up in the Shuruq [lit. sunrise] Market in Bariid [lit. post] Street to attend auctions for the sale of sewing machines whose prices reached a hundred thousand riyals. Indeed the demand for them became urgent to the degree that the doors of elderly women would find no peace from the sale brokers who were hunting down every sewing machine even if they were in remote villages far from the city. Hassan al-Amry a professor of physics explained that red mercury is a rare substance whose price can reach millions of riyals. And it is said that it is an offering to the jinn and is a favourite meal among them and sorcerers use it to get in with [lit. get close to] the jinn.
أُعْلِنَ فِي دُبَيّ أَمْس عَن وِلادَةِ أَوَّل جَمَلٍ مُسْتَنْسَخ فِي ٱلْعَالَم. وَقَد وُلِّدَ «إِنْجَاز» - وَهُوَ ٱسْم ٱلْجَمَل اَلْمُسْتَنْسَخ ـ عَن طَرِيق ٱلْأَنَابِيب فِي مَرْكَز اِسْتِيلاد ٱلْهُجُن بِدُبَيّ، بَعْدَ فَتْرَةِ حَمْلٍ اِسْتَغْرَقَت ثَلاث مِئَة وَثَمَانِيَة وَسَبْعِين يَوْمًا. جَرَت عَمَلِيَّةُ ٱلْاِسْتِنْسَاخ عَن طَرِيق أَخْذ خَلايَا مِن بُوَيْضَةِ نَاقَة، وَزُرِعَت قَبْلَ مُرُورِهَا بِعَمَلِيَّةِ ٱلتَّجْمِيد فِي ٱلنِّيتْرُوجِين ٱلسَّائِل. وَقَد تَوَلَّى ٱلدُّكْتُور نَصَّار أَحْمَد وَانِيّ، اَلطَّبِيب ٱلْبَيْطَرِيّ اَلْمُتَخَصِّص فِي عِلْم ٱلْأَجِنَّة، حَقْن إِحْدَى ٱلْخَلايَا فِي خَلِيَّةِ بُوَيْضَة غَيْر مُلَقَّحَة بَعْدَ اِسْتِئْصَال نَوَاتِهَا، ثُمَّ جَرَى دَمْج ٱلْخَلِيَّتَيْن وَمُعَامَلَتُهُمَا بِٱلتَّيَّار ٱلْكَهْرَبَائِيّ لِجُزْءٍ بَسِيطٍ مِن ٱلثَّانِيَة، وَتَنْشِيطُهُمَا كِيمِيَائِيًّا لِحَثِّهِمَا عَلَى ٱلْاِنْقِسَام بِنَفْس ٱلطَّرِيقَة اَلَّتِي تَنْقَسِمُ فِيهَا ٱلْبُوَيْضَة اَلْمُخَصَّبَة، وَبَعْدَهَا زُرِعَ ٱلْجَنِين ٱلنَّاتِج لِمُدَّةِ سَبْعَةِ أَيَّامٍ فِي ٱلْمُخْتَبَر قَبْلَ نَقْلِهِ ثَانِيَةً إِلَى رَحِم نَاقَةٍ بَدِيلَة.
It was announced in Dubai yesterday about the birth of the first cloned camel in the world. Injaz- and that is the name of the cloned camel - was produced by means of [test] tubes in the Camel Reproduction Centre in Dubai after a gestation period which lasted three hundred and seventy eight days. The cloning process happened by means of the taking of cells from the ovum of a she-camel which were cultured before going through a process of freezing in liquid nitrogen. Doctor Nassar Ahmad Wani a veterinarian specialised in embryology took on the [task of] injecting one of the cells into an unfertilized egg cell after the removal of its nucleus. Then the two cells were fused and treated with an electrical current for a split second and activated chemically to induce them to divide in the same way in which a fertilized egg divides. After that the resulting embryo was cultured for a period of seven days in the laboratory before being transferred again into the womb of a surrogate camel.
أَعْرَبَ أَهَالِي بَلْدَةِ ٱلتَّحْرِير جَنُوب غَرْبِيّ بَعْقُوبَة عَن قَلَقِهِم إِزَاء عَوْدَةِ ظَاهِرَةِ خَطْف ٱلْفَتَيَات بِهَدَف ٱلْاِبْتِزَاز اَلَّتِي ٱنْتَشَرَت أَخِيرًا فِي ٱلْبَلْدَة فِيمَا اِسْتَنْكَرَ وُجَهَاء ٱلْبَلْدَة صَمْت ٱلْأَجْهِزَةِ ٱلْأَمْنِيَّة وَتَرَاخِيهَا فِي ٱلْحَدّ مِن ٱلظَّاهِرَة مُقَابِل تَحْمِيل رِجَال ٱلْأَمْن اَلْأَعْرَاف ٱلْعَشَائِرِيَّة اَلَّتِي تَمْنَعُ ٱلْإِبْلاغ عَن مِثْلِ هٰذِهِ ٱلْحَوَادِث وَٱلْاِسْتِجَابَةِ لِطَلَبَات ٱلْخَاطِفِين اَلْمَسْؤُولِيَّة. وَٱنْتَشَرَ ٱلرُّعْب فِي ٱلْبَلْدَة مَعَ تَصَاعُد عَمَلِيَّاتِ ٱلْاِخْتِطَاف، وَتَكَثَّفَت مُنْذُ أَيَّام دَوْرِيَّاتٌ مِن ٱلْأَهَالِي حَوْلَ ٱلْمَدَارِس ٱلْخَاصَّة بِٱلْفَتَيَات فِي وَقْتٍ قَلَّت حَرَكَةُ ٱلنِّسَاء فِي ٱلْبَلْدَة. مِن جِهَتِهِ عَزَا مَسْؤُولٌ أَمْنِيّ رَفِيع عَوْدَةَ ظَاهِرَةِ خَطْف ٱلنِّسَاء اَلَّتِي شَهِدَت اِنْخِفَاضًا مَلْحُوظًا مُنْذُ عَام إِلَى تَرَاخِي ٱلْأَجْهِزَة ٱلْأَمْنِيَّة وَضَعْف أَدَائِهَا. وَكَشَف ٱلْمَسْؤُول لـِ«اَلْحَيَاة» أَنَّ «ٱلْبَطَالَة اَلْمُتَفَشِّيَة بَيْنَ ٱلشَّبَاب تُعْتَبَر سَبَبًا رَئِيسِيًّا فِي تَشْكِيل مِثْلِ هٰذِهِ ٱلْعِصَابَات اَلْمُتَخَصِّصَة بِخَطْف ٱلْفَتَيَات اَللَّوَاتِي يَنْتَمِينَ إِلَى عَائِلاتٍ تُعْتَبَرُ مَيْسُورَة».
The people of the town of Tahrir south west of Baquba expressed their concern at being faced with the return of the phenomenon of the kidnapping of young women with the aim of extortion/blackmail which has spread recently in the town while leading figures of the town condemned the silence of the security services and their lack of resolve [lit. limpness] in putting a stop to the phenomenon set against the security mens laying responsibility on clan customs which prohibit the reporting/talking about such events and accede to the demands of the kidnappers. Fear spread in the town with the escalation of the kidnapping operations and since a few days ago patrols of the [town] folk around girls schools have intensified at a time when the movement of women in the town has become less. For his part a high-ranking security official attributed the return of the phenomenon of the kidnapping of women which had witnessed a noticeable reduction since a year ago to the lack of resolve of the security sevices and their poor [lit. weak] performance. The official disclosed to Al-Hayat that the rampant unemployment among the youth is considered a prime reason for the forming of such gangs specialised in the kidnapping of young women who belong to families considered well-off.
بَيْض وَفَسِيخ وَسَعْد اَلصُّغَيَّر وَٱسْتِنْفَارٌ أَمْنِيّ فِي كُلّ مَكَان. وَوَسْطَ هٰذِهِ ٱلْخَلْفِيَّة اَلْخَالِيَة مِن ٱلتَّنَاغُم تَشْدُو ٱلرَّاحِلَة سُعَاد حُسْنِيّ «اَلدُّنْيَا رَبِيع وَٱلْجَوّ بَدِيع، قَفِّل لِي عَلَى كُلّ ٱلْمَوَاضِيع». إِنَّهَا ٱلْأُغْنِيَّة شِبْه ٱلرَّسْمِيَّة لِعِيد شَمّ ٱلنَّسِيم اَلْمَعْرُوف فِي مِصْر فِرْعَوْنِيًّا بـِ«ٱلْاِنْقِلاب ٱلرَّبِيعِيّ»، إِذْ يَتَسَاوَى عَدَد سَاعَات ٱللَّيْل وَٱلنَّهَار. مَظَاهِر ٱلْاِحْتِفَال لَمْ تَخْتَلِف كَثِيرًا فِي فَحْوَاهَا عَن تِلْكَ اَلَّتِي كَانَت سَائِدَة قَبْلَ خَمْسَةِ آلاف عَام بِٱلتَّمَام وَٱلْكَمَال، لا سِيَّمَا تِلْكَ ٱلسِّمَة اَلَّتِي تُمَيِّزُهُ عَن غَيْرِه، وَهِيَ أَنَّ مُقَوِّمَاتِه لا تُفَرِّقُ بَيْنَ ٱلْفِرْعَوْن وَبَقِيَّةِ طَبَقَات ٱلشَّعْب. فَٱلْفَسِيخ هُوَ ٱلْفَسِيخ، وَٱلْبَيْض هُوَ ٱلْبَيْض، وَٱلنَّسِيم هُوَ ٱلنَّسِيم. وَرَغْم تَصَاعُد حِدَّةِ ٱلتَّحْذِيرَات فِي ٱلسَّنَوَاتِ ٱلْأَخِيرَة مِن أَضْرَار أَكْل ٱلْفَسِيخ ـ وَهُوَ اَلسَّمَك ٱلْبُورِي اَلنِّيء اَلْمُمَلَّح ـ إِلَّا أَنَّهُ يَظَلّ سَيِّد ٱلْاِحْتِفَال ٱلرَّبِيعِيّ جَنْبًا إِلَى جَنْب مَعَ أَطْنَان ٱلْبَصَل ٱلْأَخْضَر وَٱللَّيْمُون (ٱلْحَامِض).
Eggs feseekh [=small salted fish] [the pop star] Saad al-Soghayar and a security alert in every place. And amid this background devoid of harmony the late [singer and actress] Souad Hosni sings: Its spring and the weather is wonderful. Dont talk to me [lit. close up for me] about problems [lit. on every issue]. It is the semi-official song of the festival Sham el-Naseem [lit. smelling the breeze] [a festival] known in Egypt in Pharaonic times as the spring solstice [lit. turn-around as the sun appears to reverse its direction] when the number of hours of night and day are equal [ed. this is actually the definition of an equinox not a solstice]. The manifestations of the celebration did not differ greatly in their purport/signification from those which were prevailing five thousand years ago exactly. in particular that feature which distinguishes it from others which is that its constituents do not differentiate between the Pharaoh and the rest of the classes of people because feseekh is feseekh and eggs are eggs and the breeze is the breeze. And despite the escalation of the shrillness of the warnings in recent years of the harm of eating feseekh - which is salted raw mullet fish - nevertheless it remains lord of the spring festival alongside tons of spring [lit. green] onions and (sour) lemons.
«...تَعَالِي أَنْتِ... اِقْتَرِبِي هُنَا اِخْلَعِي مَلابِس طِفْلَتِكِ... هَيَّا اِخْلَعِيهَا»... صَرَخَ ٱلْجُنْدِيّ ٱلْإِسْرَائِيلِيّ فِي وَجْه وَالِدَةِ ٱلطِّفْلَة مَرَح اَلَّتِي وَجَدَت نَفْسَهَا مُرْتَبِكَة عَاجِزَة عَن فِعْل أَيّ شَيْء، فَلَمْ تَسْتَوْعِب مَا تَسْمَعَهُ وَحَدَّقَت تُرَاقِبُ مَا يَجْرِي مِن حَوْلِهَا حَتَّى تَعَالَى صَوْت ٱلْجُنْدِيّ ٱلْإِسْرَائِيلِيّ مِن جَدِيد: «قُلتُ لَكِ اِخْلَعِي مَلابِسَهَا ثُمَّ اِخْلَعِي أَيْضًا «حِفَاضَهَا» حَتَّى نَتَأَكَّد مِن عَدَم وُجُود خَطَرٍ عَلَيْنَا». وَلَمْ يَكُن أَمَامَ تِلْكَ ٱلْأُمّ إِلَّا أَنْ تُثْبِت لِلْجُنُود اَلَّذِينَ اِقْتَحَمُوا بَيْتَهَا فِي غَزَّة أَنَّ طِفْلَتَهَا اَلَّتِي لا تَتَجَاوَز ٱلْأَشْهُر ٱلْأَرْبَعَة، لَيْسَت إِرْهَابِيَّة وَلا تُشَكِّل خَطَرًا عَلَيْهِم وَلا عَلَى دَوْلَتِهِم، فَنَفَّذَت ٱلْأَوَامِر وَخَلَعَت مَلابِس ٱلطِّفْلَة عَلَى رَغْم ٱلْبَرْد ٱلْقَارِس.
...Come (here) you... Come here and take off the clothes of your child... Come on take them off... screamed the Israeli soldier in the face of the mother of the little girl Marah who found herself confused unable to do anything as she couldnt take in what she was hearing and she stared watching what was happening around her until the voice of the Israeli soldier rang out again: I told you to take off her clothes and then take off her nappy/diaper as well so that we can make sure that there is no danger to us. There was no [option] for that mother other than to prove to the soldiers who had stormed into her house in Gaza that her child who was no more than four months old was not a terrorist and that she did not represent a danger to them nor to their state. So she carried out the orders and took off the clothes of the child despite the bitter cold.
لَمْ تَحْتَمِل مَهَا سَمَاع صَرَخَات وَالِدَتِهَا ٱلْمُسِنَّة، وَهِيَ تَتَلَقَّى ٱلرَّكَلات وَٱللَّكَمَات مِن اِبْنِهَا ٱلْبِكْر، فِيمَا شَقِيقَاتُهَا ٱلثَّلاث يَتَجَمَّعنَ حَوْلَهَا لِحِمَايَةِ جَسَدِهَا ٱلنَّحِيل، وَيَنَلنَ ٱلنَّصِيب ٱلْوَافِر مِن ٱلضَّرْب. اَلْاِعْتِدَاء ٱلْوَحْشِيّ وَٱلْمُنَاوَشَات شِبْه ٱلْيَوْمِيَّة جَعَلَت مَهَا ذَات ٱلْخَمْسَةِ عَشَر رَبِيعًا تُفَكِّرُ فِي سُبُل ٱلْخَلاص مِن وَاقِع حَيَاتِهَا، فَٱرْتَبَطَت بِأَوَّل شَابٍّ تَقَدَّمَ لِخِطْبَتِهَا لِتَكْتُبَ بِيَدِهَا نِهَايَةَ سَنَوَات بُؤْسِهَا، لٰكِنَّ ٱلرِّيَاح خَالَفَت سَفِينَتَهَا وَٱنْتَهَى بِهَا ٱلْمَطَاف فِي عَمَّان فِي دَارٍ تَسْتَضِيفُ ٱلنِّسَاء اَلْمُعَنَّفَات وَوَضَعَت حَدًّا لِمُعَانَاتِهَا... إِلَى حِين. تَقُولُ مَهَا اَلْهَارِبَة مِن لُبْنَان حَيْثُ كَانَت تُقِيم: «كُنتُ غَيْر مُؤَهَّلَة لِلْحَيَاةِ ٱلزَّوْجِيَّة. مَاذَا يُتَوَقَّعُ مِنِّي وَأَنَا اَلَّتِي كُنتُ أَقْبَع طِيلَةَ مُرَاهَقَتِي خَلْفَ قُضْبَان ٱلْمَنْزِل لِٱعْتِبَارَاتٍ تَتَّصِلُ بِعَقْلِيَّةٍ ذُكُورِيَّة أَحْكَمَت قَبْضَتَهَا عَلَى أَنْفَاسِنَا وَجَعَلَت مِنَّا فَتَيَات مُنْعَزِلَات عَن ٱلْمُحِيط ٱلْاِجْتِمَاعِيّ».
Maha couldnt bear listening to the screams of her elderly mother as she received the kicks and punches from her eldest [lit. first-born] son while her three sisters gathered around her to protect her frail body and they took the main share of the beating. The brutal attack and the almost daily skirmishes made Maha just fifteen years old think of ways to get free from the reality of her life so she committed/tied herself to the first young man who proposed to her so as to write with her own hand an end to her years of misery. But the winds were against her ship and she ended up in Amman in a residence which takes in battered women and put an end to her suffering... for the time being. Maha fleeing from Lebanon where she used to reside says: I wasnt fit for married life. What was expected of me when its I who used to sit withdrawn and lonely throughout my adolescence behind the bars of the house because of considerations connected with a male mentality which tightened its grip on our [very] breaths and made of us young women isolated from the social environment?
أَكَّدَ «مَجْمَع ٱلْبُحُوث ٱلْإِسْلامِيَّة» اَلْمِصْرِيّ عَدَم جَوَاز ٱللُّجُوء إِلَى عَمَلِيَّاتِ ٱلتَّلْقِيح ٱلْاِصْطِنَاعِيّ أَوْ ٱلْإِخْصَاب فِي ٱلْأَنَابِيب إِلَّا إِذَا تَوَافَرَت شُرُوط. وَحَدَّدَ ٱلْمَجْمَع بَعْدَ مُنَاقَشَتِهِ مُذَكِّرَةِ لَجْنَةِ ٱلْبُحُوث ٱلْفِقْهِيَّة فِي شَأْن ٱلْاِقْتِرَاح ٱلْمُقَدَّم مِن اِبْتِسَام حَبِيب عُضْو مَجْلِس ٱلشَّعْب (اَلْبَرْلَمَان) حَوْلَ مَشْرُوع قَانُون تَنْظِيم عَمَلِيَّاتِ ٱلتَّلْقِيح ٱلْاِصْطِنَاعِيّ وَأَطْفَال ٱلْأَنَابِيب تِلْكَ ٱلشُّرُوط، وَهِيَ: أَنْ يُثْبَت بِنَاء عَلَى تَقْرِيرٍ صَادِر مِن ثَلاثَةِ أَطِبَّاء مُتَخَصِّصِين فِي أَمْرَاض ٱلنِّسَاء أَنَّ ٱلزَّوْجَة لا يُمْكِنُهَا ٱلْحَمْل إِلَّا بِهٰذِهِ ٱلطَّرِيقَة، وَأَنْ تَكُونَ ٱلْعَمَلِيَّات اَلْمُزْمَع إِجْرَاؤُهَا بَيْنَ ٱلزَّوْجَيْن أَثْنَاءَ قِيَام ٱلْحَيَاةِ ٱلزَّوْجِيَّة. كَمَا اِشْتَرَطَ ٱلْمَجْمَع أَنْ يَحْصُلَ ٱلطَّبِيب عَلَى مُوَافَقَةٍ خَطِّيَّة مِن ٱلزَّوْجَيْن بَعْدَ تَبْصِيرِهِمَا بِٱلْمَخَاطِر ٱلْمُحْتَمَلَة لِلْعَمَلِيَّة وَبِنِسْبَةِ نَجَاحِهَا، مُؤَكِّدًا أَنَّ ٱلطِّفْل اَلَّذِي يُولَد شَرْعِيّ، وَيَحْظُر اَلتَّعَامُل مَعَ ٱلْجِينَات بِغَرَض ٱلتَّحَكُّم فِي جِنْس ٱلْجَنِين.
The Egyptian Islamic Research Academy confirmed the inadmissibility of resorting/turning to procedures of artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization except if [certain] conditions are fulfilled. The Academy after discussing the report of the Jurisprudence Research Committee regarding the proposal submitted by Ibtisam Habib Member of the Peoples Assembly (Parliament) concerning a draft bill for the regulating of procedures of artificial insemination and test-tube children defined those conditions which are: That it be proven on the basis of a report issued by three doctors specialised in gynaecology [lit. womens illnesses] that the wife cannot become pregnant except in this way and that the procedures which are intended to be carried out should be between a married couple during the performance/existence of a married life. The Academy also stipulated that the doctor [should] obtain written agreement from the husband and wife after making them aware of the potential risks of the procedure and its success rates and confirmed that the child which is born is legitimate [under Sharia law] and it prohibits dealing with genes with the aim of controlling the sex of the embryo.
فِي تَطَوُّرٍ جَدِيد لِقَضِيَةِ طِفْلَةٍ تَعَرَّضَت لِعُنْفٍ أُسْرِيّ مِن وَالِدِهَا وَزَوْجَتِه، رَفَضَت اَلنِّيَابَةُ ٱلْعَامَّة فِي ٱلْعَاصِمَةِ ٱلْإِمَارَاتِيَّة أَبُوظَبْي أَمْس، اَلْحُكْم اَلَّذِي أَصْدَرَتْهُ مَحْكَمَةُ ٱلْجِنَايَات بِسَجْن ٱلْمُتَّهَمَيْن عَشَر سَنَوَات، مُطَالِبَةً بِتَشْدِيد ٱلْعُقُوبَة لِتَصِلَ لِخَمْس عَشَرَةِ سَنَة، بَدَلًا مِن عَشَر سَنَوَات. يَأْتِي هٰذَا ٱلتَّطَوُّر فِي أَعْقَاب ٱلْكَشْف عَن قَضِيَةِ ٱلطِّفْلَة ٱلْإِمَارَاتِيَّة اَلَّتِي لا تَزَالُ طَرِيحَةَ ٱلْفِرَاش فِي مُسْتَشْفَى مَحَلِّيّ، نَتِيجَةَ إِسَاءَةِ ٱلْمُعَامَلَة وَٱلتَّعْذِيب اَلَّذِي تَعَرَّضَت لَهُ عَلَى أَيْدِي أَبِيهَا وَزَوْجَتِه، اَللَّذَيْن اِعْتَرَفَا فِي جَلْسَةٍ سَابِقَة أَمَامَ هَيْئَةِ ٱلْمَحْكَمَة بِضَرْبِهَا فِي أَمَاكِن مُتَفَرِّقَة مِن ٱلْجَسَد وَكَيِّهَا بِٱلنَّار بِحُجَّةِ «تَقْوِيمِهَا وَتَرْبِيَتِهَا». وَوَفْقًا لِلتَّحْقِيقَات، فَقَد اِعْتَادَ ٱلْمُتَّهَمَان اَلضَّرْب ٱلْمُبَرِّح عَلَى رَأْس ٱلْمَجْنِي عَلَيْهَا بِٱلْعَصَا، وَرَطْم رَأْسِهَا بِٱلْحَائِط وَإِحْرَاق ٱلْوَجْه وَٱلْجِلْد.
In a new development in the case of the little girl who was subjected to domestic violence by her father and his wife the office of the Prosecutor General in the UAE capital Abu Dhabi yesterday rejected the sentence which the Criminal Court had issued for the imprisoning of the two accused for ten years and demanded the increasing [lit. harshening] of the punishment so it comes to fifteen years instead of ten years. This development comes in the wake [lit. on the heels] of the examination [lit. uncovering] of the case of the little Emirati girl who is still confined to bed in a local hospital as a result of the mistreatment and torture which she was subjected to at the hands of her father and his wife who both confessed in a previous session in front of the committee of the court to hitting her on various [lit. scattered] parts of the body and burning her with fire on the pretext of putting her straight and teaching her [to behave]. And according to the investigations the two accused made a habit of violently hitting the head of the victim with a stick striking her head into the wall and burning the face and skin.
أَقْلَعَت طَائِرَات ٱلْهِلِيكُوبْتَر اَلزِّرَاعِيَّة مِن مَدْرَجِهَا بِٱلْقُرْب مِن مَدِينَةِ بَابِل ٱلْأَثَرِيَّة لِتَتَّجِه مُبَاشَرَةً إِلَى غَابَات ٱلنَّخِيل اَلَّتِي تُحِيط بِمَدِينَةِ ٱلْحِلَّة وَهُنَاك بَدَأَ ٱلطَّيَّار يَنْخَفِضُ بِطَائِرَتِه إِلَى أَدْنَى مُسْتَوَى مُمْكِن لِيَبْدَأَ بِرَشّ ٱلْمُبِيدَات اَلزِّرَاعِيَّة لِمُكَافَحَةِ ٱلْحَشَرَات اَلَّتِي فَتَكَت بِأَشْجَار ٱلنَّخِيل خِلالَ ٱلسِّنِين ٱلسَّابِقَة، لٰكِن بَعْدَ أَيَّام مِن ٱلْعَمَل ٱلْمُضْنِي اَلْمَلِيء بِٱلْحَمَاسَة وَٱلْمَحْفُوف بِٱلْأَخْطَار بَدَأَت مَعْنَوِيَات اَلطَّيَّارِين بِٱلتَّدَنِّي. عَمَلِيَّات اَلْمُكَافَحَة ٱلْجَوِّيَّة لِحَشَرَتَي اَلدُّوبَاس وَٱلْحْمِيرَة اَلَّتِي تُصِيبُ ٱلنَّخِيل جَاءَت هٰذَا ٱلْعَام وَسْطَ تَفَاؤُلٍ كَبِير بَيْنَ أَصْحَاب ٱلْبَسَاتِين إِثْرَ إِعْلان وِزَارَةِ ٱلزِّرَاعَة عَن اِسْتِيرَاد طَائِرَاتٍ زِرَاعِيَّة حَدِيثَة وَمُبِيدَاتٍ فَعَّالَة لِمُكَافَحَةِ ٱلْحَشَرَات اَلَّتِي أَدَّت إِلَى تَدَنِّي إِنْتَاج ٱلتُّمُور فِي ٱلْعِرَاق إِلَى نِسَبٍ غَيْر مَسْبُوقَة. إِلا أَنَّ تَفَاؤُل ٱلْمُزَارِعِين سَيَذْهَب هُوَ ٱلْآخَر أَدْرَاج ٱلرِّيَاح بَعْدَ أَنْ تَكَشَّفَت فَضِيحَةُ ٱلْمُبِيدَاتِ ٱلزِّرَاعِيَّة اَلتَّالِفَة اَلَّتِي اِسْتَوْرَدَتْهَا وِزَارَةُ ٱلزِّرَاعَة هٰذَا ٱلْعَام.
The agricultural helicopters took off from their runway near the ancient city of Babylon to head directly to the palm forests which surround the city of al-Hilla and there the pilot began dropping his aircraft to the lowest level possible to start spraying agricultural pesticides for combating the insects which have devastated the palm trees during previous years. But after days of exhausting work filled with enthusiasm and fraught [lit. surrounded] with dangers the morale of the pilots started to decline. Air operations for the combating of the two insects dubas [=a relation of the aphid] and hmira [=the lesser date moth] which have hit the palms came this year amid great optimism among the owners of [palm] gardens following the announcement by the Ministry of Agriculture about the importing of modern agricultural aircraft and pesticides effective for combating the insects which have led to the decline of date production in Iraq to unprecedented rates. However the optimism of the farmers will also go the way of the winds after the exposure of the scandal of the spoiled agricultural pesticides which the Ministry of Agriculture imported this year.
حَالٌ مِن ٱلْغَضَب ٱلشَّدِيد تَنْتَابُ بَعْض جَمَاهِير جَوَاد اَلْعَلِيّ، بِسَبَب مَا أَسْمَوه بـِ«ٱلْخِذْلان»، إِذْ يَرَون أَنَّ مُطْرِبَهُم ٱلْمُفَضَّل قَدَّمَ لَهُم أَلْبُومًا «مَسْلُوقًا»، عَدَد ٱلْأُغْنِيَات فِيهِ نَاقِصٌ عَن ٱلرَّقْم اَلَّذِي تَعَوَّدُوا عَلَيْه، وَٱثْنَتَيْن مِنهَا مُكَرَّرَة مِن أَلْبُومَاتٍ سَابِقَة، وَٱثْنَتَيْن أُخْرَتَين مُكَرَّرَتَين مِن ٱلْأَلْبُوم نَفْسِه. هٰذَا ٱلْاِسْتِيَاء يَخْتَصِرُهُ مُحَمَّد اَلْقَحْطَانِيّ فِي جُمْلَةٍ قَصِيرَة: «اَلْأَكِيد أَنَّنَا ٱنْتَظَرنَا أَلْبُومًا فَاشِلًا». وَلا يَخْتَلِفُ مُتَابِعُو جَوَاد عَلَى أَنَّ ٱلْأَلْبُوم كَانَ «ضَعِيفًا» عَلَى مُسْتَوَى ٱلْأَلْحَان ٱلْمُقَدَّمَة، وَلَمْ يُقَدِّم لَهُم اَلْمُطْرِب ٱلشَّابّ فِي هٰذَا ٱلْأَلْبُوم شَيْئًا يَسْتَحِقُّ ٱلْاِسْتِمَاع، يَقُول خَالِد اَلدَّلْقَان: «بِصَرَاحَة لَمْ يُعْجِبُنِي ٱلْأَلْبُوم أَبَدًا، وَبِرَأْيِي أَنَّ أَيّ عَمَلٍ يُقَدِّم أَقَلّ مِن خَمْس وَعِشْرِين دَقِيقَة مِن ٱلْأَغَانِي لا يُمْكِنُ ٱعْتِبَارُهُ أَلْبُومًا».
A state of great anger has befallen some of the fans of Jawad al-Ali because of what they call a let down as they consider that their favourite singer has presented to them a half-baked [lit. boiled] album the number of songs in which is less than the number which they are used to and two of them are repeated from previous albums and another two are repeated from the same album. This resentment Muhammad al-Qahtani summarizes in a short sentence: For sure we have waited for a disappointing [lit. failing] album. Followers of Jawad do not disagree [lit. differ] on the fact that the album was weak at the level of the tunes presented [and that] the young singer had not presented to them in this album anything worth hearing. Khalid al-Dalqan says: Frankly I didnt like the album at all and in my opinion any work which presents less than twenty five minutes of songs cant be considered an album.
غَابَ ٱلرَّئِيس ٱلْمِصْرِيّ حُسْنِيّ مُبَارَك أَمْس، عَن تَشْيِيع جَنَازَةِ أَكْبَر أَحْفَادِه مُحَمَّد عَلاء مُبَارَك، اَلَّذِي تُوُفِّيَ ٱللَّيْلَة قَبْلَ ٱلْمَاضِيَة عَن عُمْرٍ يُنَاهِزُ ثَلاثَة عَشَر عَامًا، إِثْرَ أَزْمَةٍ صِحِّيَّةٍ طَارِئَة أَلَمَّت بِه. بَيْنَمَا حَمَلَ نَجْلَاه عَلاء وَجَمَال اَلنَّعْش. وَقَالَت مَصَادِر مُقَرَّبَة مِن أُسْرَةِ ٱلرَّئِيس ٱلْمِصْرِيّ إِنَّ ٱلطِّفْل ٱلْفَقِيد كَانَ مُقَرَّبًا لَدَى جَدِّه اَلَّذِي كَانَ يَصْطَحِبُهُ مَعَهُ فِي ٱلْعَدِيد مِن ٱلْمُنَاسَبَاتِ ٱلْاِجْتِمَاعِيَّة وَٱلرِّيَاضِيَّة، وَيَظْهَر مَعَهُ فِي عِدَّةِ صُوَرٍ أُسْرِيَّة. وَقَطَعَ ٱلتِّلِفِزْيُون ٱلْمِصْرِيّ صَبَاحَ أَمْس إِرْسَالَهُ وَبَدَأَ فِي بَثِّ أَدْعِيَّةٍ دِينِيَّة، لِيُذِيع بَعْدَهَا بَيَان رِئَاسَةِ ٱلْجُمْهُورِيَّة، قَبْلَ أَنْ يَعْرِضَ طِوَالَ ٱلْيَوْم بَرَامِج دِينِيَّة تَحَدَّثَت عَن ٱلْاِبْتِلاء وَٱلْمِحَن وَٱلْعِظَة مِن ٱلْمَوْت.
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was absent yesterday from the funeral [lit. escorting the funeral procession] of his oldest grandchild Mohamed Alaa Mubarak who died the night before last at the age of nearly thirteen years old after a sudden health crisis which befell him While his two sons Alaa and Gamal carried the coffin. Sources close to the family of the Egyptian President said that the departed child was close to his grandfather who used to take him along with him on many social and sporting occasions. and he appeared with him in a number of family photographs. Egyptian television interrupted its transmission yesterday morning and started transmitting prayers [lit. religious calls] after which it broadcast the announcement of the Presidency of the Republic before showing throughout the day religious programmes which talked about trials and tribulations and the lesson/moral of death.